He travels 10 km in the wrong direction on the highway, he was drunk

He travels 10 km in the wrong direction on the highway, he was drunk
He travels 10 km in the wrong direction on the highway, he was drunk

Driving the wrong way on the A23 motorway.

Drunk, he has traveled ten kilometers in the wrong direction on the A23 motorway: it could have been a tragedy but, fortunately, the Udine Highway Police, which coordinates all the road surveillance services throughout the region and in particular on the major motorway arteries of Friuli Venezia Giulia, stopped it stopped before the worst happened.

It happened around 6.20am on Sunday 30th June: the safety sensors located along the motorway network, the user phone calls in transit and the Camera images closed circuit signaled a vehicle travelling the southbound carriageway of the A23 motorway in the opposite direction of travel along the stretch between Udine South and Udine North.

The car, during its journey which lasted over ten kilometres, routes in the fast lane also grazing some vehicles, it ended without further and more serious consequences only thanks to the timely and providential intervention of the patrol of the Traffic Police of the Amaro Sub-section on duty on the stretch which, in “Safety Car” mode, in the territory of the Municipality of Treppo Grande has safely stopped the grey Smart car near the “Cormor Ovest” parking area.

Previously, along the route the vehicle had only caused a small accident, fortunately with only minor damage to property. At the time of the check the driver, a 32 year old Italian citizen in a state of confusiontested positive to the breathalyser test which showed values ​​more than 4 times the limit allowed.

For him, theimmediate withdrawal of the driving licence of driving, the administrative sanction up to 8,186 euros for driving against traffic, car immobilization for three months and the Report to the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic at the Court of Udine for driving under the influence of alcohol.

A little recommendation for everyone: in case of a report of a vehicle driving the wrong way Road users must take into account the message on the illuminated signsslow down and if possible, leave the roadway stopping in a service area or parking area. If this is not possible, slow down and keep the right rigorous; it has emerged, as in the case in question, that the motorist travelling in the wrong direction tends to use the overtaking lane believing he is travelling in his own lane.

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