Vismara Award: Arianna Massa wins

The Alessandro Vismara literary prize this year went to Arianna Massa from Santa Rosa high school. Second place, ex aequo, went to Alexandra Silion, Elisa Pagliarello and Giulia Albis. Certificate of merit for photography to the student Riccardo Leone.

The awards ceremony for the competition, now in its 34th edition, took place yesterday in the Aula Magna of the University of Tuscia. Present as well as the teachers, the students, the professor’s son, Massimiliano Vismara, also the president of the Province, Alessandro Romoli, the city councilor, Alessandra Croci, and the former senator Sergio Pollastrelli.

Presenting the award was journalist Federico Usai who defined Alessandro Vismara as “a central figure in the cultural and journalistic history of the area”. Alessandro Vismara was in fact an esteemed professor who trained entire generations of students from Viterbo but he was also a very valid journalist, correspondent for national newspapers, including Rai, Ansa and Messaggero.

The competition saw the participation of twenty students who attempted to choose between a fashion article or a reportage on the war.

«This year, choosing the winner – revealed Massimiliano Vismara – was very difficult. It might seem futile, but the fashion article was really difficult. Precisely because of the difficulty and given the skill of the students, we opted for 3 ex aequo in second place”. then turning to the boys he added “You would have made my father proud”.

The vice-principal of Santa Rosa high school, Liliana Bruschetti, said that: «In a moment of such high social complexity, the journalist needs points of view. The figure of Vismara will help you to undertake this path.”

President Romoli’s speech also focused on the memory of Alessandro Vismara: «I am here so as not to disperse the memory of Alessandro Vismara. A figure that will be useful to you if you face the path of journalists. The Santa Rosa institute is an excellence of this province thanks to the work of the principal and teachers.” For councilor Croci: “he was a man who left his mark”.

The testimony of former senator Sergio Pollastrelli was also touching. «I come from a family of workers from Pianoscarano – he said – I was directed to follow in my parents’ footsteps until Professor Vismara, my middle school teacher, called my father to suggest that I enroll in high school, explaining to him that it would be a It’s a shame I didn’t let me continue studying. His teachings have served me throughout my life.”

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