Aprilia Civica: “Even on important issues, the majority rejects the opposition’s initiatives”

“Even when it comes to issues brought to the City Council on the push of local associations and citizen volunteers, the Principi majority never misses an opportunity to show its instrumental profile and reject every initiative promoted by the opposition benches.
In yesterday’s city council we saw two motions presented in the chamber by the Aprilia civica coalition signed by the city councilors Davide Zingaretti, Fabrizio Fiorentini and Gloria Mastrocicco rejected: the first having as its object prevention and information on issues relating to obesity and diabetes mellitus, the second relating to the municipal minimum wage.
It is not the first time that the majority Principles hides behind phrases such as: we are working on the same issues or the political line is dictated by the majority, only to then see the work proposals fall into oblivion.
A deplorable modus operandi that tramples on the prerogatives of minority forces which, let us remember, represent an important portion of Aprilia’s citizens. Let us remember once again that the centre-right’s victory occurred only in the second round and with a large abstention. This concept fails to penetrate the “enlightened” minds of the governing majority.
An attitude unfortunately already seen on several occasions. The proposals to establish citizen consultations or to create an open day for the issuing of identity cards have undergone the same treatment.
All this in spite of normal democratic dialectics and administrative collaboration.”

Aprilia Civic

Previous articleAnzio. On June 4th at Villa Sarsina presentation of the video “Crossed Destinies”

Electronic information periodical founded on 16 June 2011 Registration at the ordinary court of Velletri n°12/2011

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