Cavalieri del Lavoro, also nominated by Mattarella the president of Confindustria Trento Fausto Manzana

There are also people from Trentino Fausto Manzana and Matteo Lunelli among the twenty-five entrepreneurs nominated today Cchampions of Labour by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.

Fausto Manzana

Fausto Manzana, born in Rovereto in 1959 and since 2019 president of Confindustria Trentois the president and CEO of GPI-Gruppo per l’Informatica, a company he founded in 1988, with the far-sighted idea of ​​bringing digitalisation in the field of public and private healthcare, providing administrative and accounting systems. Since 1988, GPI has consolidated its position in Italy and abroad year after year, until it was listed on the stock exchange. To date it has more than 7 thousand employees, its own technology products are sold in over 70 countries and in 2023 revenues reached 433 million euros, with 7 million in profit. After the election as president of Confindustria Trento, which took place in February 2019, since last December he has been also president of the North East Foundation, the economic forum created by the north-eastern Italian Confindustria. Manzana is also president of the Sinthesis Foundation, the publisher of «Il T Quotidiano», a newspaper born in November 2022.

Matteo Lunelli

Matteo Lunelli, born in 1974, is instead the president and CEO of Cantine Ferrari, a company founded in Trento in 1902 by Giulio Ferrari and passed into the hands of the Lunelli family in the 1950s. After graduating from Bocconi, he worked for five years in Zurich, London and New York as a financial consultant at the American investment bank Goldman Sachs, before joining the family business and taking over the reins, becoming president and CEO of the Cellars Ferrari, as well CEO of the Lunelli Group, which, in addition to Ferrari, also includes Surgiva water, Segnana grappa, Bisol 1542 prosecco, the still wines of Tenute Lunelli and, lastly, the iconic Cedrata Tassoni. Under his guidance, Ferrari Trento has won the prestigious international title of best sparkling wine producer of the year, «Sparkling Wine Producer of the Year», six times. But for Ferrari bubbles the most prestigious recognition arrived in 2021, with the partnership signed with Formula 1, which has ensured that Trentino sparkling wines have reached the podium of Grand Prix events around the world. Since 2020, Lunelli has also been president of the Altagamma Foundation, which brings together the main Italian companies in the fashion, design, jewellery, food, hospitality, speed and wellness sectors.

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