Goalkeeper: Monza joins for Audero

The visit of Sampdoria goalkeeper (this year at Inter) Audero to Como the other day did not lead to the definition of any contract. Indeed, the parties appear to be drifting apart. The player’s salary seems too high for the economic plan of the club which, as stated by several sources, will start very cautiously in the first year. But the choice is perhaps also dictated by not putting Semper in difficulty, who will be joined by a second who is up to par, but not a direct competitor. General manager Charlie Ludi spoke about this and more: «Market rumors? Just don’t listen and read. Just isolate yourself and stay focused on work. In fact today, anyone who has a narrative of an ownership that spends, squanders and throws away money simply hasn’t looked at what has happened in these five years because the ownership has always been prudent, has always taken controlled steps in the direction of growth, except then arriving in January and having the opportunity to go to Serie A and therefore having allocated a significant budget. After the promotion we will become the balanced people, both in management and in choices, that we have been up to now.”

So can we put Icardi and Correa aside for a bit? «My words are sometimes exploited (he smiles) so I will be very clear. Unfortunately, and I say this because they are two absolute champions, we will 100% put them aside.” And Audero? “There are currently no negotiations with him.” Audero is Indonesian and has a personal relationship with Mirwan Suwarso. But now Monza has made a move on him.

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