«Minimum wage anti-mafia measure, no to autonomy-secession»

LAMEZIA TERME «This is an extraordinary reality because it arises from the intuition of having to give back to the community an asset confiscated from the mafia through a social use which here concerns both people with disabilities who have full right to inclusion. She said it the leader of the Democratic Party, Elly Schleinafter visiting a Lamezia Terme the Community Southern Project of Don Giacomo Panizza. «There is a beautiful project that gives home, gives a sense of family, gives autonomy and this is very important for the paths of people with disabilities. But – added Schlein – it is also a project that deals with the inclusion of those who come from far away and have the right to a dignified welcome and it is also a project that deals with many different fragilities, we believe that many more resources and investments are needed on social issues and that’s why we are extremely worried about the Meloni government’s cuts to the Municipalities which alone will not be able to support precious realities like these that the third sector animates throughout Italy, keeping our social fabric alive, which is torn by profound inequalities. At the same time – continued Elly Schlein – we are worried about cuts in healthcare for the same reason, because after the pandemic we should have discovered, with the increase in loneliness, with the interruption of paths for fragile people, both non-self-sufficient people and people with disabilities, and with the increase in people’s suffering we should have understood that the country must invest many more resources in social and public health. So we will continue to insist on this.

Differentiated autonomy

Schlein also focused on the topic ofdifferentiated autonomyreinforcing the criticism of the centre-right government: «They have revealed the mask of this cynical barter, they too have made it clear that it is a barter between the constitutional reform which would like to centralize all powers in the hands of the head of government and the destruction of the prospect of redemption for the South of this country. It is a differentiated autonomy which – the leader of the Democratic Party claimed – still exudes the secessionist plan of the League that Salvini has never abandoned and which Meloni is accepting with his head down. We need to mend the deep fractures of this country so that its economic recovery can take place. There is no redemption for Italy without the redemption of the South. What is surprising is that they didn’t even try to pretend they wanted to do something else because they didn’t put a single euro into this reform. They don’t care about reducing the territorial inequalities that the South has already paid too much for and we instead haveAs the Democratic Party from North to South we will fight against this dangerous reform and we are happy with the extraordinary participation of more than 50,000 people in Naples. It is a sign that there is a civil society together with the union and the associations still very willing to participate and say no to a dangerous reform like this.” With reference to the bishops’ criticisms of differentiated autonomy, Schlein added: «These are common sense arguments, because it is clear that we are all worried that in a country where Istat tells us that we are reaching the peak of absolute poverty from ten years, in which one Italian in ten is in absolute poverty, and instead there is a government that cuts the country in two, cancels the only tool to combat poverty and blocks our proposal on the minimum wage, is going exactly in the direction of dashing the hopes of an entire segment of the population.”


Other criticisms of Meloni’s government on the topic of premiered: «Meloni – Schlein also observed – went from “make it or break it” to “who cares about the outcome, I’m staying” in the space of 24 hours. She is the lightness with which this Prime Minister is shocking exchange the constitutional paper who must keep us all together with his personal destiny. This is also why we will fight against this reform which weakens Parliament, weakens the figure of the President of the Republic and therefore weakens democracy. Because if you are called only once every five years to be free to acclaim a leader, what happens is that the rest of the five years that leader decides alone and this is no longer democracy for the citizens, it is less democracy for the citizens ».

Elly Schlein with Don Giacomo Panizza

The stop in Catanzaro

For Schlein, the visit to Calabria is first and foremost an overview of the most positive social realities in Calabria. After the “Southern Project”, the leader of the Democratic Party in fact visited the Calabrian Solidarity Center in Catanzaro, a structure that for years has been dealing with the recovery and support of drug addicts, women victims of violence and all the vulnerable sections of the population: welcomed by the president Isa Mantelli (in the photo on the cover), also present by the mayor Nicola Fiorita. «The Calabrian Solidarity Center – claimed Schlein – is a reality that is a great inspiration and example for us. The State, institutions and politics cannot remember the third sector only during emergencies. We need to build policies with them that improve people’s lives and that emancipate people from need, especially those who are vulnerable. It is human to have fragilities. We must combat the throwaway culture. Every person deserves a path to be supported and helped. This cannot be done if there is no attention to social issues, if funds are cut to municipalities which are needed to work with situations like this, if public health is cut. We – added the leader of the Democratic Party – instead need to put the care of people and the care of our communities back at the centre.” According to Schlein «it is essential that the State arrives before the mafias if we want to be effective. We need to stand by those who can’t make it because they don’t have work and income. It is the reason why we are fighting on the minimum wage, because there are three and a half million workers who are poor even if they work. We must also combat a differentiated autonomy which risks increasing the territorial inequalities for which this land has already paid too much. If we want to aim for paths of emancipation and undermine the blackmail that the mafias feed on – concluded the leader of the Democratic Party – we need to pay much more attention to the wage issue and the social issue of this country”. (a. cant.)

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