“Let’s save bees and biodiversity”, the initiative of the L’Aquila Lions Club

THE EAGLE – On May 25th, in the Aula Magna of the IIS “Amedeo D’Aosta”, from 9:00 am an information meeting will be held, open to all, entitled “Let’s save bees and biodiversity”. Bees, best known as honey producers, are very ancient animals. Over 40 million years they have diversified into various species, all useful for man and for the survival of animals on earth because they contribute to the pollination of plants, constituting a fundamental agent for the conservation of flora and contributing, so to speak, actively to the maintenance and improvement of biodiversity.

These small industrious insects therefore have a strong connection with the environment and are excellent indicators of the health status of the area in which they live and “work”. From the quality of their honey we can also draw important indications on the presence of harmful substances in the environment.

Unfortunately, over the last 30 years in Europe these bees have decreased by 70% and their average lifespan has gone from 5 to 3 years, causing serious damage to our ecosystem..

The Lions Club L’Aquila could not ignore this critical issue and organized a meeting on the protection of bees and biodiversity, believing that the dissemination of knowledge regarding these issues is able to increase awareness among the general public of biodiversity as a common heritage to be protected, effectively contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and pursuit of the objectives of protection strategies.

The event will be attended by Prof. Paolo Fontana, researcher at the University of Padua, passionate naturalist, entomologist and beekeeper, author of numerous articles and books on environmental issues and the extraordinary world of bees to inspire us to adopt a lifestyle that respects nature .

Dr. Gianluca Capanna from the Association will also speak Bees in the heartDr. Filippo Jannoni Sebastianini of ApimondiaVincenzo Cordone president of AARI Beekeepers of AbruzzoDr. Gabriele Curci of the University of L’Aquila, Dr. Luciano Sommarone Director of the Abruzzo-Lazio-Molise National Park, Mario Petrella Beekeeper ADA-AIARR Advisor, Dr. Milena Mennea – Nutritional Biologist.

The Lions Club, in the person of President Marisa Iannarelli, thanks the Municipality of L’Aquila for the patronage granted, the School Director Maria Chiara Marola for her attention to the topic and the kind concession of the school spaces.

The Club aims to expand knowledge of bees and biodiversity and monitor them in collaboration with research bodies, universities, beekeepers, growers, administrative bodies and schools, also encouraging participation in Citizen Science projects. Citizen science, or Citizen Science, is able to increase awareness among the general public of biodiversity as a common heritage to be protected, effectively contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and the pursuit of the objectives of protection strategies.

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