here are the comments at the Confindustria Varese assembly of representatives of entrepreneurs and workers

here are the comments at the Confindustria Varese assembly of representatives of entrepreneurs and workers
here are the comments at the Confindustria Varese assembly of representatives of entrepreneurs and workers

There is great harmony between the thoughts of Confindustria Varese and that of the representatives of the employers’ and workers’ associations.

People at the center and technology to be implemented are in fact the two main imperatives common to trade and worker associations, in order to think of a better future for the province’s production sector.

«It was an absolutely interesting assembly, with a very careful eye on the near and not so near future, and where very important issues such as innovation, technological challenges, inclusion, sustainability were addressed – he commented for example Roberta Tajèdirector of CNA Varese – But above all I perceived a great interest in man, who was placed at the center of many topics that were addressed in the morning”

«Certainly having the vision of man and technology at the center are two aspects that are absolutely also of interest to the world of commerce – he confirmed Rudy Collini, president of Confcommercio Uniascom Varese – The figure of the person as a point of reference for the territories becomes increasingly fundamental in a world that is changing, as technology in the world of commerce is changing the way we deal with the customer. Two topics that must be addressed with a view to synergy in the economic world and collaboration between the various forces: commerce, industry, craftsmanship and agriculture.”

«I am happy to have heard that people are at the center of the industrial system – he underlined Daniele Magon, general secretary of the Cisl dei Laghi – Therefore valorise man, in a path that takes into account keeping people at the centre. Maintaining the talents that exist within this territory is one of the elements that unites us, and a long-term program like the one that was set out today is a program that must be valorised.”

The vision of Confartigianato Imprese is a little more pessimistic, but with the same objective: «This is a moment in which the manufacturing sector is suffering: there is difficulty in finding professional figures, and at the same time a flight of company properties, often bought by foreign groups – he commented Davide Galli, president of Confartigianato Imprese Varese – This is why it is very important that activities that can give development to businesses are implemented: we talk about artificial intelligence, I push for the development of ITS which are functional to manufacturing. However, I hope that there is still a desire for business in our province.”

«This is an important moment for our territory. We are in MV Agusta, in the headquarters of Made in Italy, in a brand known throughout the world – he underlines Antonio Massafra, UIL Varese territorial coordinator – It is therefore an opportunity to relaunch the manufacturing sector in the province, which still has some difficulties. We as a union in particular expect that investments that are now blocked will restart: because if investments decrease, productivity and therefore workers will decrease, which is something we want to avoid. On safety at work, we are at the prefectural table together with Confindustria and it must be said that together we have managed to promote coordinated actions and sign three good protocols, the most important is certainly that of the “Best practices””

The reference to young people is also important for the economic actors of the province: «President Grassi’s words are full of meaning, we can only support him and support him – he comments Mauro Vitiello, president of the Varese Chamber of Commerce – We need new startups to be born, we need to give confidence to our young people. I am not of the opinion that our young people should be kept here, I have a different thought: young people must be helped to go abroad for training, but we must be able to get them to return to our territory because in order to do so we must demonstrate that this is an area second to none.”

«I really liked the involvement of young people in Confindustria’s words – he explained Bernardo BianchessiTerritorial President of Varese of Confesercenti Lombardia – The correct and right answers have been given to ensure that our young people remain in our territory: a method that explains how to move in 5 years in terms of strategy, and an objective of development and growth of our potential through young people.”

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