Teramo has been without a city council for 56 days. Complaint sent to the Prefect of Teramo…

Teramo has been without a city council for 56 days. Complaint sent to the Prefect of Teramo…
Teramo has been without a city council for 56 days. Complaint sent to the Prefect of Teramo…

The games of seats between godfathers and masters of the City of Teramo have led to a verifiable distraction in the times of the council activities of the municipality of Teramo.
After 56 days, the opposition councilors invite the Prefect of Teramo, His Excellency, Fabrizio Stelo to consider a formal intervention.

It is read.

OBJECT. Teramo City Council: Failure by the President of the City Council and the Mayor to comply with the regulations on functioning of the organisation’s representative body and gods principles e of the rules of democracy: failure to convene the city council for 56 days with obstacle to the correct carrying out and exercise ofcouncil activity e of the function of Municipal Councilor – Rerequest for prefectural intervention and possible exercise of substitutive power.


The undersigned minority City Councilors report to Your Excellency that for 56 days now in Teramo an ordinary City Council has not been convened and held, in clear violation of all democratic principles and those relating to administrative transparency, the need to study in depth important issues for the city that cannot be treated randomly or on the spot but only publicly in the municipal assembly and within the context of a strategic and overall vision.

This is very serious and worrying as it is part of a particular difficulty faced by the City and the Teramo community between the total absence of strategic vision, failure to take care of even the ordinary, works, including reconstruction and the Pnrr, blocked or carried out in biblical times, untrue announcements, decisive topics for the city not discussed, unresolved and perpetually postponed, cities and citizens on their knees and considerable economic damage.

To this it must be added that the so-called “question time” Councils (which have not been held for around forty days) are reduced to a sterile participation on the part of the municipal administration which, with an opinionated and contemptuous attitude, does not deign to respond fully and formally to the so many serious issues raised!

And, as if that were not enough, a full 46 days have passed since the request of the undersigned minority councilors for an immediate convocation of the City Council to establish a commission of inquiry into the serious and delicate legal matter of the renovation works of the Municipal Cinema-Theatre.

To this it must be added that council commissions are also rarely convened.

This, unfortunately, is the respect that the President of the City Council, the Mayor and the City Council of Teramo place towards citizens, councilors and democratic participation in institutions

In light of the above reasons, the undersigned minority City Councillors,

they ask

that the SVIll.ma Please intervene formally in the matter and warn, in the ways and terms you deem most appropriate, even with the possible exercise of substitutive power, the President of the City Council, the Mayor and the City Council of Teramo for the restoration of normal functioning and the correct and legitimate resumption of the democratic activity of the City Council.

With Observance and Respect

Teramo, 24 June 2024

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