Mourning in Loreto Aprutino: farewell to Mauro Di Zio mayor at 26 years old – Pescara

Mourning in Loreto Aprutino: farewell to Mauro Di Zio mayor at 26 years old – Pescara
Mourning in Loreto Aprutino: farewell to Mauro Di Zio mayor at 26 years old – Pescara

LORETO APRUTINO. Farewell to Mauro Di Zio, historic figure of reference for the political community of Loreto, Pescara and Abruzzo. He was 57 years old. An agricultural entrepreneur in his beloved San Pellegrino, a small agricultural hamlet between Loreto and Penne, he had been councilor of the Municipality of Loreto Aprutino at the age of 23, from 1990 to 1993. From 1993 to 2004 he became mayor at the age of 26. From 2004 to 2009 he was elected provincial councilor for Tourism and Social Affairs, then, from 2014 to 2022, he was regional president of the farmers’ CIA and from 2018 to 2022 national vice president of the same confederation.

A few months ago he attended a municipality initiative even though his strength was failing.

Last Sunday he received the merit from the Municipality of Loreto Aprutino (withdrawn by his son Francesco, 12 years old), as a sign of gratitude for his commitment as an administrator and beyond. The body is on display at the “Il Giardino della Luce” Funeral Home, in Via delle Gualchiere 10, in Marina di Città Sant’Angelo. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon at 3.30 pm in the church of San Pietro, in Loreto.

The first citizen of Loreto Aprutino, Renato Mariotti, had been councilor for culture of his council from 1995 to 2004. During his first mandate, Di Zio organized a memorable, and so far unrepeatable, event for the Vestina land: Loreto hosted the arrival stage of the Giro d’Italia, won by the great Gianni Bugno.

“He has made an invaluable contribution to the cultural, identity and tourist growth of our town – said Mariotti, moved –. His work has had a significant impact on the growth of Loreto, thanks to his commitment and dedication. He leaves us an enlightened and far-sighted administrator, as well as a man of high human and cultural caliber. Loreto will not forget it.”

Loreto Aprutino loses another important administrator after the premature death of Bruno Passeri, a few months ago. And there are many messages of condolence on social media.

The condolences of the CIA

“It is with profound sadness that Cia Abruzzo, Cia Chieti-Pescara and Cia L’Aquila-Teramo announce the passing of former President Mauro Di Zio, a point of reference for the organization holding the position of Regional President and distinguishing himself for his dedication , professionalism and passion. During his mandate as regional President of Cia Abruzzo and subsequently as national Vice President of Cia Agricoltori Italiani, he worked tirelessly to promote and support Abruzzo agriculture, contributing significantly to its progress and development.
In addition to his role within the CIA, Mauro Di Zio has held important public positions, including that of mayor of Loreto Aprutino and councilor of the province of Pescara, demonstrating his dedication to serving the community.
“The passing of Mauro Di Zio represents an immense loss for the entire agricultural community of Abruzzo”, declared Nicola Sichetti, President of Cia Abruzzo. “His contribution to the promotion and development of agriculture will always be remembered and honoured.” “Cia Abruzzo loses a great leader, but his spirit will live on through the work and commitment he left as a legacy,” he added Domenico Bomba, President of CIA Chieti-Pescara. “In this moment of pain, our thoughts go to Mauro’s family and to all those who had the privilege of knowing him and working with him.”
Also on behalf of Cia L’Aquila Teramo, President Roberto Battaglia expresses his condolences: “We unite in the memory of an extraordinary man who left an indelible mark in the hearts of anyone who had the pleasure of crossing his path”.

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