Vannacci on abortion: “I will sabotage those who attack Christian values, life and the family”

ROMEGiorgia Meloni he doesn’t sign the anti-abortion manifesto. But the leader of the Melonians, Lucio Malan organizes the troops of the right-wing candidates for the European elections who adhere to that manifesto and who promise to do battle, once elected in Strasbourg, to prevent “the values ​​of Europe”, starting with the right to life from its conception, from being betrayed.

The general is also there Roberto Vannacci, candidate of the League, connected remotely to the press conference of the Pro Vita e Famiglia association in the Senate. With a couple of promises he clarifies, if it were ever needed, that when the going gets tough, then the tough get going. He proposes measures “to defend life, progress, family, traditions, the roots that distinguish us and the blood of the soil that characterizes us as European citizens”. And above all he will “sabotage” those who intend to destroy Western values. He states: “One of the directions of my strategy will be the sabotage of those who want to destroy Western, Roman and Christian values.”

46 years have passed since the day in which 194 became law, since the termination of pregnancy was legal, it stopped being a practice of mothers and “golden spoons”. The right presents the anti-abortion manifesto, the left claims the battle of civilization that guaranteed legal abortion and women’s self-determination in terms of motherhood. At the Nazarene, the headquarters of the Democratic Party, the women dem led by Roberta Mori, Chiara Braga, Marina Sereni, Chiara Gribaudo they say goodbye: “You can’t touch the 194”. Secretary Elly Schleinstruggling with the electoral campaign, relaunches: “Hands off the 194, in the European elections we vote for women”.

Abortion law, battle over counseling centers: “No more favors with public money for pro-lifers”

by Alessandra Corica

May 21, 2024

Termination of pregnancy is the theme of the elections

The clash over abortion hits the Europeans. AND Marco Furfaro, the party’s rights manager, to respond in kind to Vannacci and to denounce the hypocrisy of the said/unsaid and of the attack on abortion that the right is carrying out. “From Malan and from the right the attack on 194 is now explicit, I would say that the king is naked”.

First the conflict was subtle and disguised in the Melonian amendment approved in a Pnrr decree – a topic not similar to civil rights – which allows the presence of anti-abortion associations in clinics. However, the Regions must activate the protocol. This is the reason why the Democratic Party has decided on a blanket campaign: it will ask all regional assemblies to sign a resolution to prevent women’s freedom from being coerced. No anti-abortion associations in the clinics. Sereni and Braga provide the figures of the decline in abortions over the decades, but also of the number of conscientious objectors among healthcare personnel such as to prevent the application of the law in some regional areas.

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On the right there are 27 leading candidates who support the six anti-abortion points. They are the ones to explain them Antonio Brandi And Jacopo Coghe, respectively president and spokesperson of Pro Vita and Famiglia. They plan to oppose the introduction of abortion as a common value in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights; to support the family founded on marriage between man and woman; to counteract the practice of renting wombs; to counteract gender ideology and the LGBTIa+ agenda; to defend families from policies; to counteract the hyper-sexualisation and hyper-digitalisation of minors. Vannacci then adds what he says about multicultural society which conflicts with the idea of ​​homeland. He contests the Pro Vita manifesto Mara Carfagna of Action: “It’s idiocy and a deception”.

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