Mazara. Legality Day of the S. Lorenzo Parish

Mazara. Legality Day of the S. Lorenzo Parish
Mazara. Legality Day of the S. Lorenzo Parish

On Thursday 23 May, starting at 3.30 pm, the National Day of Legality will be celebrated in the San Lorenzo parish of Mazara del Vallo, organized by the parish to commemorate the victims of all mafias and to educate on the culture of justice and legality . At 3.30 pm the meeting will be held in San Lorenzo, then the procession to the urban park of Miragliano; 4pm, visit to the Garden of Remembrance and planting of a tree; 4.30 pm, dialogue on legality and justice; 5pm, group games for the catechism students and party together with a picnic lunch. «Transforming the day of the maximum expression of illegality and fear into a day of healthy memory and realistic hope is one of the possible ways to stem the crime and to educate the new generations, so that what happened never happens again – explains Don Giuseppe Alcamo, parish priest in San Lorenzo – every day we all see that we still breathe a mafia culture, which instills fear and imposes violence, even just verbal. Coming together, numerous and courageous, is a testimony to affirm that we cannot and do not want to submit to any form of violence and that our strength is justice and legality.”

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