Protest by prisoners at Salerno prison

The Campania guarantor of prisoners, Samuele Ciambriellovisited today the prison of Salerno, in particular the second and third floors of the first section of the medium security and the high security department, where a peaceful protest has been underway for days with the beating of the railings and refusal of food from the prison administration. In the prison of Salernoaccording to data provided by the guarantor, were present today 564 prisonersof which 40 women.

The issues

Through this protest – said Ciambriello on the sidelines of the visit, which was also attended by the president of the Monica Amirante Surveillance Courtprisoners show problems relating to the lack of medicines, many of them wait for months to have a specialist visit or hospitalization, long waits for feedback on requests sent to the supervisory judiciary, poor quality of food from the prison administration and exaggerated prices of survived.”


Entering their cells and seeing their showers, I saw firsthand how the dignity of human beings is not recognised, alongside the overcrowding and dilapidated places, there is no space for sociality, both the medium security and the high security have expressed discomfort in their lives, the prospects for leaving are few and for many, despite some projects in which they participate, there is little hope for the future. The delegations of the prisoners were listened to by me, by the director of the prison Gabriella Niccoliby the commander Carolina Orange and by the head of the educational area Monica Innamorato, and a dialogue was opened on all the issues raised“.


Two categories of people – concludes the guarantor – they urge me to reflect further: people in prison with drug addiction, alcohol and gambling problems feel the lack of social and health figures to listen to, I am thinking of psychologists, psychiatrists, and treatment projects that make them busy for several hours a day. Furthermore, a large group of inmates who have permits have stigmatized me for the fact that they obtain permits for a few days in an entire year compared to the 45 days required by law“.

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