Catering day, flash mob on the Sentierone with chefs from Bergamo

Catering day, flash mob on the Sentierone with chefs from Bergamo
Catering day, flash mob on the Sentierone with chefs from Bergamo

Bergamo. Economy and hospitality. These are the themes at the center of the second edition of the Catering Day for the Culture of Italian Hospitalitythe appointment, scheduled for May 18th, promoted by FIPE-Confcommercio, the Italian Federation of Public Businesses, with the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Tourism. On this occasion, too Confcommercio Bergamo has carried out an intense activity of promoting the initiative among the restaurateurs of its territory, collecting 120 signaturesand chose to celebrate Catering Day Today, May 16th on the Sentierone, at 4 pm, with the Dance of flavors to assert, between dance steps and rhythmic gymnastics choreographies, the reasons and importance of the sector.

The initiative, born from the collaboration between Confcommercio Bergamo and the University Sports Center-Cus of the University of Bergamo with Classical and Creative Dance and Rhythmic Gymnastics, brings an impactful choreographic performance to the city’s walking street. Dancers and gymnasts, with an artistic performance, enhance the rhythm, passion and creativity of the sector.

A large dish shape represents the perfection of the circle and the immediacy of an everyday object, conveying the value behind every preparation, in the kitchen or backstage at a show.

Successful entrepreneurs and representatives of the sector also participate in the flash mob. Petronilla Frosiopresident of the Confcommercio Bergamo Restaurateurs Group, underlines the importance of the initiative “Through the artistic and universal language of dance we want to make people feel the importance of our role, not only economic, but on the immaterial level of values, traditions and the image of the territory. A first step, to the rhythm of dance and gymnastics, approaching the national celebration of May 18th”.

Catering Day is a national event, awarded last year by the Head of State with the Medal of the President of the Republic as a representative award for the high value of the initiative. The aim is to bring together restaurateurs of all levels to celebrate together a fundamental theme for the entire world of catering: hospitality. Celebrating this day with pride is a way to remind public opinion of the importance of the sector for the economy, tourism, hospitality and Italian Style.

After last year’s success, 10,000 businesses in Italy and abroad, including restaurants, trattorias, taverns and pizzerias, have joined the Day. These levels of participation in the initiative reflect the widespread need among operators in our country for an open and constructive discussion on the economic, social and cultural values ​​represented by the sector. The day, in fact, aims to remember that Italian catering, with 54 billion in added value and 1.4 million employednot only is it essential for agri-food and tourism but it is also a fundamental hub of history, traditions and identity that expresses the Italian lifestyle.

The same DDL N.1672 on the establishment of the Catering Day presented to the Chamber it is no coincidence that he underlines the purpose of “enhance and strengthen the role of Italian catering in its different forms and types, pursuing the values ​​of relationship, sharing, conviviality and community”. Catering Day is dedicated both to the food tradition of our country and to the challenges that await the catering sector, widely underlined by the FIPE 2024 Catering Report, with the necessary changes in business models that redefine the economic sustainability of businesses to new consumer needs, increasingly sensitive to digital innovation, environmental transition and social inclusion.

Charity, the solidarity soul of the initiative

Furthermore, Catering Day is an opportunity to carry out an important charity initiative in support of Caritas Italiana community canteens throughout the national territory to provide refreshment and sociality to those living in fragile conditions. It will be possible to donate through the Intesa Sanpaolo “Forfunding” platform both on and by scanning the QR Codes available on the centerpieces positioned in participating restaurants. Furthermore, anyone will be able to support the project with a donation through the ATMs of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group in the days before and after the Catering Day.

The Day was able to count on the support of important companies in the supply chain: Mulino Caputo, Cirio, Consorzio Tutela Vino Custoza DOC, Consorzio Tutela Grana Padano, Intesa Sanpaolo, Lavazza, Gruppo Sanpellegrino and Zucchetti Hospitality.

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