Dengue, almost 200 cases in Italy in 2024: data and latest news

Dengue, almost 200 cases in Italy in 2024: data and latest news
Dengue, almost 200 cases in Italy in 2024: data and latest news

The cases of Dengue recorded this year in Italy are close to 200. “From January 1st to May 13th 2024, to the national surveillance system there are 197 confirmed cases of Dengue, all associated with travel abroad“, with “no deaths”. The median age of the infected, 52% male, is 43 years. This is reported by the new bulletin of the Higher Institute of Health. Compared to the previous one, which reported 117 cases from January 1st to April 8th, they are therefore counted 80 new infections.

Dengue cases and age groups

There Italian regions that have so far recorded more cases of Dengue are Lazio (38 infections), Veneto (37) and Lombardy (31). Emilia Romagna has 25 cases, Piedmont 19 and Tuscany 16. The other regions follow at a distance. The age group most affected by the virus transmitted by mosquitoes is 30-39 years old; followed by those aged 40-49, the 50-59 age group and the 20-29 age group. The vast majority of cases are imported from South Americaaffected by a record Dengue epidemic, particularly from Brazil and Argentina.

In the bulletin the ISS also reports “4 confirmed cases of Zika virus (all associated with travel abroad, no deaths); 4 confirmed cases of Chikungunya (all associated with travel abroad, no deaths); 5 confirmed cases of infection neuro-invasive – Tbe (all native, no deaths); no cases of Toscana virus”.

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