Reggio Calabria, the area of ​​the Greek Walls cleaned up

Reggio Calabria, the area of ​​the Greek Walls cleaned up
Reggio Calabria, the area of ​​the Greek Walls cleaned up

The area of ​​the shines Walls Greek Of Reggio Calabria, thanks to the cleaning done by the municipal administration. The many tourists present in the city in recent weeks, thanks to the arrival of Ryanair flights at Tito Minniti, will thus be able to better appreciate one of the most beautiful sites in the city, a real testimony of Magna Graecia.

On the Falcomatà seafront it is possible to enjoy the beauty of the stretch of Hellenistic city wall Reggio, enclosed by a wrought iron gate. Even if called “Greek”, these walls are actually the result of the city wall circuit which has been restored countless times over time, especially after the violent earthquake of 1783.

The original structure

Built in fired bricks of which almost no trace remains, the walls rest on foundations in local soft stone. The city wall consisted of a double curtain wall, the voids of which were filled with earth and rubble and on which the actual wall was raised, made with isodomic blocks of local sandstone, arranged in two parallel rows with perpendicular sections.

The various hypotheses on the construction date

“For dating purposes, the ancient ceramic fragments found in the bricks are not useful in establishing a precise historical moment. The most likely hypothesis is that these were walls built after the mid-4th century BC, when Dionysius II rebuilt the city of Reggio with the name of Febea, the city of Phoebus Apollo – we read on the site – The Archaeological Superintendence has hypothesized that, in the Reggio Emilia wall circuit, the walls in raw bricks are from the era of the tyrant Anassila (5th century BC) while those in fired bricks are to be attributed to the tyrant Dionysius II, who remained in Reggio only between 356 and 351 BC Other scholars instead think that the walls, as we know them, are all from the final part of the 4th century. BC, testifying to the interventions of Dionysius II, the Reggina Republic and King Agathocles”.


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