Multiservice meeting at the Food Policy Hub of the Cloister of San Francesco on Wednesday 15 May

Encouraging numbers come from the 2023 budget data of theAndria Multiservice spa, approved at the assembly last April 29th. The cautious optimism is justified by the fact that the balance sheet itself finally shows a positive sign, compared to the loss of around five hundred thousand euros in 2022. The turnover also went from 2 million 935,000 euros in ’22 to 3 million 744,000 euros last year. However, 96 remain the employees currently employed by the Andria Municipal Corporation.

«Our new management system, launched in May last year – recalls the sole director of Multiservice, Antonio Grinersays without equivocation that in the period May/December ’23 out of 2891 interventions requested by the Municipality we were able to carry out approximately 90%. That is to say that Multiservice is now the recipient, on average, of over four thousand requests for intervention per year. Encouraging numbers – goes on Griner – gthey also come from the Parking Service which for 2023 recorded a collection of approximately 843,000 euros. We are also comforted by the constant growth in the number of subscriptions and the progressive increase in payments with electronic money (around 20% of the total), thanks to the agreements we have appropriately stipulated with the main electronic payment circuits.

Finally, it is worth remembering – he concludes Grinera series of important initiatives implemented by the municipal company. Just think of the innovative Gender Equality Certification; to the recovery and reopening of the Botanical Garden; to the functional restart of the “ Dopo di Noi ” Center in the Villa Comunale; to the great success of the “Pollicino Verde” Environmental Education courses with the primary schools of the City. All this in perfect harmony with the mandate objectives assigned by the sole shareholder, by the civic administration and in particular by the mayor Bruno, whom I thank for his closeness and the attention with which he follows the Company’s path”.

Obvious satisfaction with the numbers of the 2023 budget of Multiservice spa is also expressed by the first citizen of Andria: «Yes, it’s true, the immediate past gratifies us, but I like to already think about the future. Starting from this summer, Multiservice will be called upon to take on an onerous but highly responsible task, namely the management of Cemetery Services. We need to restore dignity and decorum to our Cemetery because the degree of civilization of a community is also measured, indeed above all, by the respect reserved for the memory of our dearly departed. And, from this perspective, I expect a strong change of pace compared to the past management of our Camposanto. There remains a further objective that we entrust to the management of the municipal company: to strengthen the capitalization of the company, to guarantee guarantees and safety for all workers and their families».

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