Veneto, tariffs for waste delivery to minimal plants > ReteAmbiente

Milan, 7 May 2024 – 12.25pm

Waste (Current Regulations)

(Francesco Petrucci)

Keyword Keyword:

Waste |

Taxes / Rates / Contributions |

Recovery / Recycling |

Municipal waste |

Landfill / Disposal

Veneto updated from 1 January 2025 mode And determination from the fee for the provision of the waste to “minimum” plants, i.e. those indispensable for closing the regional waste cycle and subject to particular public regulation.

There Dgr 16 April 2024, n. 422 implements the provisions of the Regional Waste Plan (Dgr 988/2022) which identifies, among the corrective measures that can be implemented in the new 2020-2030 regulatory period, the adoption of various governance tools for urban waste management at regional level, including the application of a single tariff for the delivery of urban waste to “minimum” systems (also called “Plan systems”). The single tariff as determined and defined by Annex A to Dgr 422/2024 is applied to all flows regulated by the Veneto Region starting from 1 January 2025. It will be up to the competent regional directorate approve the single tariff by February 28th of each year. With the same provision, the contribution for the delivery of urban waste outside the basin will be established.

At the same time, Dgr 422/2024 also defined from 1 January 2025 the “contribution of inconvenience” for the Common location of waste treatment plants at the same time extending it to all the Plan plants identified by the Regional Waste Plan (currently the contribution concerns only 7 active landfills). Finally, the Region established that the contribution due to neighboring municipalities with the Municipalities where waste management plants are located cannot exceed 20% of the environmental contribution due to the Regions and Municipalities where these plants are located pursuant to Article 37 of Regional Law 3/2000.

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