American studies conference, debate, numerous researchers from the five continents in Perugia

American studies conference, debate, numerous researchers from the five continents in Perugia
American studies conference, debate, numerous researchers from the five continents in Perugia

From 6 to 11 May, the city of Perugia becomes the crossroads of the Americas and the fulcrum of international debate with the return of the prestigious International Conference on American Studies. The logo for this edition was created by the Tupi-Guarani indigenous people of the Amazon and is part of the “Gerardo Bamonte” Ethnographic Collection of the CSACA.
The conference will open on Monday 6 May at 1pm in the Sala dei Notari with greetings from local and international authorities. The day will end with a lectio magistralis at 6.00 pm held by Cristiano Awa Kiririndju, Coordinator for indigenous peoples of the State of São Paulo (Brazil) and leader of the Tupi-Guarani people. His report, entitled “The original peoples of the Mata Atlantica of São Paulo: resistance, education and territory”, will be enriched by the intervention of Lenira Dina de Oliveira, a key figure in indigenous education.
With the aim of strengthening intercultural dialogues, the Brazilian delegation – which also includes Professor Amanda Danaga, Vice-Rector for Research, Postgraduate and Innovation of the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul – will visit the CSACA Ethnographic Museum and will be welcomed by the Councilor of the Province of Perugia, Erika Borghesi, by the Rector Valerio De Cesaris of the University for Foreigners of Perugia and the Galileo Galilei Scientific High School for a debate with the students on the reality of indigenous peoples in Brazil.
Like every year, the setting for the debates and scientific insights will be the evocative Palazzo dei Priori, which in the Sala dei Notari and in the Sala della Vaccara will see university professors, researchers, activists, students and curious guests discussing topics relevant to each sector of the our society, such as globalization, rights, environment, health, arts, politics, making Perugia the heart of a dialogue necessary for the construction of a more equitable and dignified future.
There are twenty work sessions, with more than one hundred speakers from countries such as Italy, France, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Germany, Venezuela, Holland, Peru, Czech Republic and Japan. Over the six days, books and research projects currently promoted by CSACA active in Italy, Europe and the Americas will also be presented.
Collateral activities are also planned which will extend to the Universities of Salerno, Padua, Cordoba in Argentina and the Venezuelan Amazonas, allowing for continuous thematic study.
Held since 1979, the event brings together experts from all over the world and is promoted by the CSACA – American Studies Center “Circolo Amerindiano”, created in collaboration with the Umbria Region, with the contribution of the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Perugia, as well as with the patronage of numerous Embassies and national and international institutions.
Participation is free and open to the entire community. It will be possible to follow the conference in streaming on our social networks Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube (@amerindiano, , ) as well as view the program and event updates on the website

Place: Palazzo dei Priori | Hall of Notaries | Sala della Vaccara, Piazza IV Novembre, 1, PERUGIA, PERUGIA, UMBRIA

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