Why is Canonico leaving Foggia? ⋆ lagoleada.it

Why is Canonico leaving Foggia? ⋆ lagoleada.it
Why is Canonico leaving Foggia? ⋆ lagoleada.it

A few days ago, at the microphones of calciofoggia.itthe patron Nicola Canonico had announced his intentions to leave Foggia (here is the complete article), subsequently confirmed by the press release of the Rossoneri club in which – for the first time – it was revealed the US negotiation that has been going on for four months (latest updates here).

The entrepreneur from Bari also explained the reasons that led him to this decision: You can no longer continue playing football in one environment polluted which went far beyond simple protesti”, he explained, adding how “if no negotiations materialize The club’s registration for the next championship is strongly at risk.

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Featured image: the patron of Calcio Foggia 1920, Nicola Canonico – credits: photo by Mario Mescia/lagoleada.it (REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED)

The reasons for the choice of the Canonical patron

And he also reflected on the topic this morning The Corriere dello Sportin its regional edition: Pushing Canonico to leave Foggia they will also be (if not above all) environmental reasons. The fans are almost entirely disliked by him. Furthermore, crime would have put him in the crosshairs: the gunshots against Captain Di Pasquale’s car on 18 June 2023, the day of the final against Lecco, the bomb found by his son Emanuele near his car on 9 January last in the car park of I am Modugno criminal investigation matter of the Bari DDAit is read.

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