European elections, Renzi launches Sicily “It will be the Florida of Europe” – BlogSicilia

European elections, Renzi launches Sicily “It will be the Florida of Europe” – BlogSicilia
European elections, Renzi launches Sicily “It will be the Florida of Europe” – BlogSicilia

“Our political project is in the title of the list: United States of Europe it is a dream but also a necessity” the former Rector Fabrizio Micari, now a member of the regional executive of the Italia Viva party, underlined several times during a rally held at the trapezoidal pier in Palermo. Matteo Renzi chose Palermo to launch the race for the European elections. He expressed enthusiasm and confidence in the “United States of Europe” project, defining it as “a dream that we have been chasing for about 12 years”.

The leader of Italia viva underlined the importance of a strong and aware Europe to face the numerous challenges of the moment, from the economic crisis to immigration, from climate change to global competition. He reiterated the need to overcome the populismswhich in his opinion do not offer concrete solutions.

An electoral campaign of ideas

“The United States of Europe represents the difference between us and the other candidates – declared the political leader of Italia viva – those who make posters writing “less Europe” do not understand that if there is less Europe there will be more China, more South East Asia and so on”. Renzi wanted to reiterate that their political project aims at greater political and economic integration between the member countries of the European Union. So, in a nutshell, what Italia viva wants to represent is the concept that, if you want to have an impact in the world, it is necessary to unite as Europeans on fundamental issues such as: defence, energy, artificial innovation, artificial intelligence presenting itself not as Italy “alone” but as European citizens.

“For me today the priority is to think about what can be done in this area – declared Matteo Renzi – we are in a wonderful place made good with the money from the pact for Palermo – he continues – with our candidates we will do everything to campaign election on contents for Europe“.

She also expressed her opinion on the issue Dafne Musolinoformer councilor of Cateno de Luca in Messina, now an exponent of Iv, responsible for Pnrr for Italia Viva: “To have development in the area we need national politicians – he declared – this means valorising the places and creating structures such as the yachting marina – he concludes – we will continue to deal with the issue of the bridge over the strait”.

“Sicily like the Florida of Europe”

Matteo Renzi highlighted the need for a united Europe to be a protagonist on the international scene, thus avoiding the risk of being marginalized and leave room for other powers such as China. He also mentioned the Sicily as a land of very high cultural identity and as such defined by the leader as “the Florida of Europe”, therefore a land that has kept its “individuality” intact while welcoming different cultures.

According to Renzi, welcome and integration are only possible if we start from a solid base of values ​​and traditions; he therefore invited us to valorise European cultural roots as an element of cohesion and openness to the world.

“If you are running for Europe because you think that Europe is in bad shape then you must leave your place in the Senate and go to Europe to fight for Italy” concluded the leader of Italia Viva.

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