waste and traffic, the candidates’ recipes. VIDEO Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |

waste and traffic, the candidates’ recipes. VIDEO Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |
waste and traffic, the candidates’ recipes. VIDEO Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |
May 3, 2024 Michele Angella

Fabrizio Aguzzoli and Paola Soragni were guests last night on our show “Il Graffio”. For the Civic Coalition, focus on the illegal abandonment of waste, while for the Reggio Emilia Movement it is essential to focus on electric mobility

REGGIO EMILIA – The latest images taken with a mobile phone by a resident of the illegal landfill in the street along Via Don Alai, in the station area, are making the rounds on the web and on mobile phones and are creating outrage. A situation of degradation that has been reported for some time and on which the mayoral candidate intervened in the Il Graffito studios Civic Coalition Fabrizio Aguzzoli who underlines how caring for the city is one of the main points of his electoral program: “In the video you can see the arrival of the van, complete with license plate. The discussion brings us to care for the territory and respect for the rules. There are many situations like these. Also in Santa Croce. It’s the wild west. We need to enforce the rules.”

The candidate of Reggio Emilia Movement Paola Soragni he insisted in his space on the topic of traffic and roads: “Traffic on the ring road must be improved, at certain times it is a gas chamber. Parking lots are fine, but don’t charge for the one in via Cecati. Surface metros need to be reevaluated. We need serious surface electric mobility.”

Over the next few weeks, Il Graffio will also host the other candidates for mayor of Reggio individually and then together in a discussion in the run-up to the vote.

Watch the full episode

Watch the episode of “Il Graffio” on Thursday 3 May 2024

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