Market, Brothers of Italy raise their voices

CAPRAROLA – «If this is a weekly market. 10.30am on Tuesday, the day traditionally held for the weekly market in Caprarola and this is the scenario we found.” Thus, the municipal club of Fratelli d’Italia, complete with photographic documentation. FdI representatives toured the market, collecting comments from street vendors. «According to the operators and users, this is the scenario that has been repeating itself every Tuesday since the mayor, the council, the majority decided to move the aforementioned market from Piazza Mariano Tamburrini to… no one knows exactly where. A dirt parking lot that isn’t a parking lot. In one of the most windy and sunniest areas of the country. With the temperatures expected this summer one can already imagine the dust baths that users and sellers will be forced to take. Difficultly and dangerously accessible, without toilets and minimum local health authority requirements”, say DSL Circolo.

«At the moment, four licenses have already been returned by stall holders and the population is increasingly forced to give up this service. The move of the weekly market was necessary, the administration argues, because Piazza Tamburrini is and will be affected, in the medium/long term, by works for the construction of the new children’s center financed with Pnrr funds. A move is therefore inevitable but why not choose Viale Caduti Sul Lavoro as the new temporary headquarters? Formerly home to the weekly market before Piazza Mariano Tamburrini. This is what the sellers had proposed from the beginning, this would have been the most logical choice but above all this is what all the citizens of Caprarola represented to us that we heard during our inspection”, they continue.

«By gathering their anger and the discouragement of the sellers, the market literally risks dying, therefore as the municipal club of Fratelli d’Italia of Caprarola we ask the mayor, the council, the majority to recognize their mistake and retrace their steps by relocating the weekly market in viale Caduti sul Lavoro”.


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