Charity parades on the catwalk

Solidarity on the catwalk. The charity parade organized at Palazzo della Racchetta in via Vaspergolo was held on Sunday afternoon as part of the “La Voce degli Alberi” exhibition, promoted to support some associations in the Ferrara area such as the Ado Foundation and the Dalla Terra Alla Foundation Moon.

On Sunday the models paraded in clothes donated by the citizens in front of 150 people, among whom the councilor for social and health policies Cristina Coletti was also seated. The aim of the initiative was in fact to raise funds to be allocated to the continuation of the activities carried out in the oncology field in hospice, but also at home, by the Ado Foundation.

“Oncology is a difficult area – declared theCristina Coletti councilor for social and health policies -, to be faced with perseverance and with everyone’s help. Ado is a unique model for the territory, also for the many aggregative initiatives carried out capable of touching the sensitivity of the city, which responded presently on this occasion too. We will never stop thanking and supporting the Ado Foundation for what it offers in Ferrara, for the support to people going through a treatment process and for the great humanity shown to patients and families. I also applaud the world of associations, capable of involving each other and working as a team. Thanks to Palazzo della Racchetta and all the partners for this renewed sensitivity.”

In addition to the Municipality of Ferrara and Palazzo della Racchetta, the fashion show was made possible with the operational contribution of Silvy Beauty and Alela Parrucchieri.

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