Bodyshaming case. Fabbri: “Unacceptable. I always respect everyone”

Bodyshaming case. Fabbri: “Unacceptable. I always respect everyone”
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“Among institutions, we respect each other. It is unacceptable that an administrator and, in general, a person, whoever he or she may be, be addressed in this way.” The mayor is speaking Alan Fabbriafter Angelo Bonzagni, municipal councilor of a centre-left civic list in Cento, had called him into question indirectly under a post published on Facebook in support of Fabio Anselmo’s candidacy.

“Please Ferrara do something for yourself, free yourself from heavy and pot-bellied burden” wrote the majority councilor from Cento, sparking the protest of the League, which yesterday (Wednesday 27 March) had asked for it, through the municipal secretary Luca Cardithe resignation under the cry of bodyshaming against the mayor of Ferrara, who is now responding to the attacks.

“It is unacceptable – writes Fabbri – that an exponent of a political current, who often (only in words) does battles against bodyshaming and who promptly wants to teach us respect, civil rightsculture, values, models to follow, may be free to offend in this way. I have always had the utmost respect for everyone and constant dialogue with every administratorof every political colour, to contribute together to the improvement of our territory”.

“But is asking to be attacked on the merits of your work really so demanding? It’s so hard to write a concrete program to respond to an idea of ​​the city? At the moment, this is what citizens are witnessing in Ferrara” adds the mayor, who thanks his counterpart from CentoEdoardo Accorsi, “a person I respect and respect”, for having “promptly written him a message of apology”.

“You see, I have broad shoulders – concludes Alan Fabbri – and these sentences apply to me always slip on without any problem. But now it has become for me yet another battle to carry on, especially for those who suffer these kinds of comments and have not voice to reply. I’m doing it to make the current Bonzagni desist from other outings of this kind, because these sentences can really hurt.”

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