Chain Reaction, the jab from Marco Liorni and Pino Insegno: “By now…”

Chain Reaction, the jab from Marco Liorni and Pino Insegno: “By now…”
Chain Reaction, the jab from Marco Liorni and Pino Insegno: “By now…”

In an interview Marco Liorni confessed what he thinks of the new Reazione a Catena hosted by Pino Insegno. Here is the whole truth.

The public had become accustomed to seeing Marco Liorni host the beloved and highly followed summer game show “Reazione a Catena”. Now at the helm of the program is Pino Insegno while Liorni hosts another quiz program on the flagship network: L’Eredità.

Chain Reaction, the thrust of Marco Liorni and Pino Insegno: “By now…” – Credit

Also in the next season Liorni will continue to host L’Eredità while he will abandon “Italia Sì”, the Saturday afternoon programme, forever. After the return to Reazione a Catena of Pino Insegno (who had already hosted the game a few years ago), Marco Liorni opened up and said what he thinks of his colleague’s hosting.

Marco Liorni’s opinion on Pino I teach Chain Reaction

It was a year full of successes for Marco Liorni: after hosting Reazione a Catena until December (for much longer than the usual canonical summer months), the host moved on to L’Eredità.

Marco Liorni said what he thinks of the new Chain Reaction by Pino Insegno – Credit ANSA –

At first he seemed intimidated by this new role and in fact he said about it: “It was a good harvest because the soil was already favorable. Of course, at the beginning there was a bit of awe, thinking of the greats who had done it before me.” Ma in reality it received a lot of appreciation from the public and recorded excellent ratings.

In June, Reazione a Catena began, now led by Pino Insegno and Liorni opened up and said his opinion on the host. He revealed: “I have great difficulty watching it. I managed to follow an entire episode only the other night, because I couldn’t sleep, and I have to say that Pino managed to bring his style to a program that he had already done”.

In short, although it is said that there is bad blood between Liorni and Insegno, the host of L’Eredità expressed an excellent opinion of the new host of Reazione a Catena. Finally he also had his say on his possible future hosting of Sanremo, saying that he still doesn’t feel up to this role.

He actually confessed: “Every now and then I think about hosting it, and of course I would be happy to… in the end the heart of Sanremo is above all the artistic direction, then comes the fact of presenting it. And I don’t feel up to being the artistic director of a festival yet. But if they called me to be the host, I would have a very precise idea.

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