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Antonella Clerici, the harsh reality about her health told by her doctor: “The histological examination…”

Antonella Clerici-

Antonella Clerici faced a serious health problem: here’s what the surgeon who operated on her in an emergency situation says about her current conditions.

One of Italy’s most loved presenters, Antonella Clerici recently underwent an emergency surgery that kept everyone in suspenseconcerned about women’s health conditions.

With his proverbial cheerfulness and his courage, he decided to share the experience with the public, above all to raise public awareness of the importance of prevention and self-care.

A routine check-up turned into a sudden adventure for the presenter, as she herself said on social media: several tests followed one another, then hospitalization and the surgical procedure with the removal of the ovaries.

As you can imagine, it was a very delicate and difficult operation Antonella faced it with the usual determination with which the public who are very fond of her have always known her.

Antonella Clerici underwent emergency surgery: a check-up that changed everything

To talk about what happened to her, Clerici shared a touching post on Instagram that shows her in the hospital bed. “Hello ovaries” wrote the presenter, who does not fail to show her usual smile. The presenter was immediately reached by thousands of supportive comments from her followers. The surgery the presenter underwent was performed at the Regina Elena National Cancer Institute in Rome.

The operation went very well and the presenter is already recovering. Her surgeon took care of clarifying her situation: Professor Enrico Vizza spoke about an operation that was necessary due to ovarian cancer. “It all arose from an ovarian cyst whose ultrasound image had changed in recent months, so it was necessary to intervene very quickly to have a histological examination, still in progress, capable of indicating the nature of the formation.”Vizza told ad Adnkronos.

Antonella Clerici on

The case of Antonella Clerici and the importance of prevention

The occasion also served as an opportunity to invite everyone to prevention: in fact, an early diagnosis increases the possibilities of treatments in these cases. “Today, for ovarian tumors, there is the possibility of using tools that allow minimally invasive surgery to be performed”underlined the surgeon who operated on Clerici.

The presenter has returned home and is slowly resuming her lifein the coming months she will have to undergo several checks to ensure that she has definitively left behind this ugly parenthesis which fortunately was addressed in time.

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