Kinds of Kindness: How Emma Stone’s Dance Connects to Poor Creatures!

Kinds of Kindness: How Emma Stone’s Dance Connects to Poor Creatures!
Kinds of Kindness: How Emma Stone’s Dance Connects to Poor Creatures!

Emma Stone launches into a dance in Kinds of Kindness, which has very little improvisation: it seems, in fact, that the idea blossomed on the set of Poor Creatures!

One of the most iconic scenes of Kinds of Kindnessalready launched in the trailer, was actually inspired by Poor Creatures!another huge cinematic success starring Emma Stone and directed by Yorgos Lanthimos. Actress and director have entered into a successful artistic partnership that continues undisturbed, as demonstrated by her latest film effort entitled Kinds of Kindness. And it seems that Emma Stone’s dance scene draws its inspiration from Poor Creatures, making their connection even more direct.

Kinds of Kindness, Emma Stone says the dance scene was born during Povere Creature!

In Kinds of Kindness Emma Stone si ritrova in un empty parking lotwears a bronze suit and launches into a solitary dance, whose movements would have drawn inspiration from a moment behind the scenes of Poor Creatures. Emma Stone herself told us more. Guest of The Tonight Show Of Jimmy Fallonthe Oscar-winning actress has revealed that the dance scene she performed on the set of Kinds of Kindness was actually inspired by an improvised dance on the set of Poor Creatures!, which was filmed behind the scenes and was therefore never shown on the big screen.

It happened during Poor Creatures!, but it wasn’t the only time, I often do it, when the days become a bit long and heavy and therefore you are forced to maintain concentration but also the energy to do this continuously . One day I threw myself into this dance on set, my friend Laura immortalized it in a video. Then I sent it to Yorgos and added, ‘Here’s what we’re doing upstairs while we wait for everything to be ready.’ After seeing it, she said to me: ‘You should do it in Kinds of Kindness, taking inspiration from that.’

And that’s how the dance included in the film was born, which Emma Stone admitted to having choreographed for Kinds of Kindness. For the actress and director, this is the third film made together after the first The favourite followed by success Oscar award Poor Creatures.

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