Drug dealing and consumption in the city: some citizens are outraged

Drug dealing and consumption in the city: some citizens are outraged
Drug dealing and consumption in the city: some citizens are outraged

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That there are some in Trento problems with drug use and dealing, by now it is a fact that is clear to almost everyone.

Recently some readers they reported to the newspaper some further examples of degradation in the city centre. Not only episodes in the “hot” areas but also in the more central ones such as the one around the Teatro Sociale.

A reader is in fact needed “one of the alleys in the area around the Teatro Sociale is full of needles and the 118 health services had to intervene due to overdoses. It is a place of habitual and widespread drug consumption.”


Then attaching the photo that we put on the cover, our reader – rightly indignant and witness to what happened – emphasizes that “Today the situation is no different. In fact, while families are destined to visit the shows at the Teatro Sociale in Piazza, no more than 20 meters away, as can be seen in the attached photos, drug addicts inject themselves and defecate in the alley in broad daylight. Then they lie down unconscious next to their own excrement or, if they are able, they get up and go out.”

The reader then doubles down by underlining a not insignificant detail: “This does not happen outside the train station in Milan or Rome, but right in the center of Trento.”

It is not new that these episodes happen, but they certainly testify the need for a certain urgency in finding a solution.

Then there are those who – speaking of the same area – highlights how even some drug dealers we found their subterfuge to operate in that area, using open cabinets and what they report never checked: “One can only hope that a tourist doesn’t take the wrong turn and end up in the alley, otherwise he will be left with an impression of Trento that is increasingly a representation of reality.” ci they write.

Always among our readers, there is someone who is extremely distrustful of public authorities and leave them their own personal opinion: “I have only one thing to say: “Wake up, walk the streets, see what your constituents are experiencing and do something about it. Stop asking people to report what they see, open your eyes and stop being inept.”

And then, the bitter conclusion: “We live in a city where our police officers are being attacked and injured by criminals, a city where scenes are unfolding that you would expect to see only in the worst neighborhoods of a city with 10 times the population. I wonder at what point, and after how many victims, local politicians will begin to do their most important job: ensuring the safety and security of their citizens.”

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