Trieste Social Week kicks off, Reggio Calabria is present

In one day, the long-awaited 50th Social Week of Catholics in Italy begins, which will also see the diocese of Reggio Calabria – Bova present in Trieste from 3 to 7 July.

Trieste Social Week, “democracy” and “participation” at the center

The 50th Catholic Social Week, an event of great importance not only for the Italian Catholic community, will focus on the theme “At the heart of democracy”. Promoted by the Italian Episcopal Conference, The Social Week aims to stimulate a deep reflection on new forms of participation and on the development of common tools to build and grow alliances in a context of great social, political and cultural transformations.

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Contemporary society is marked by increasing social fragmentation and pervasive individualism, but at the same time shows widespread vitality.

Discussion on good practices and crucial issues for the future of Italy

In this complex scenario, The Social Week intends to address crucial issues for the future of the countrysuch as promoting dignified work, reducing inequalities and protecting the environment. According to the Italian bishops, the future of our country requires a collective and responsible commitmentwhich involves all citizens, including Catholics of different origins, to regenerate living spaces and strengthen democratic capacity.

The choice of Trieste is not accidental

Triestea multicultural and border city, will be the ideal location for this event. The city, symbol of Italy’s path towards freedom and democracywill welcome over a thousand delegates and participantswho will discuss how to revitalize democratic participation.

The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, will inaugurate the works on July 3rdWhile Pope Francis will conclude the event with the Eucharistic celebration and the Angelus on July 7th.

The delegation of the Archdiocese of Reggio Calabria – Bova was present

At the Social Week the delegation of the archdiocese of Reggio Calabria-Bova will also actively participate. It will be composed by Don Francesco Megaleepiscopal vicar for charity, social problems and work; Luciano Arillottadirector of the curia office for social pastoral care and work; Carmine Gelonesesecretary of the Consultation of lay aggregations, who will present the Cantiere Passione politica, Mariella Quattrone of the Coop “Collina del Sole”, Magda Galatihead of the School of Political Training, and Monica Tripodiregional manager of Social and Labour Pastoral Care.

The “places” of interest and the spaces for discussion of the Social Week

The main events of the Social Week will include the “participation laboratories”, i “good practice villages” and the “squares of democracy”. In the workshops, delegates from dioceses, associations and public administrations will discuss how to reactivate participation in their territories.

TO KNOW MORE: Participation and democracy, Calabria prepares for the Social Weeks

In the villages of good practices, over 100 stands will exhibit initiatives of social enterprisescooperatives, third sector entities and renewable energy communities.

The squares of democracyhosted in the main historical squares of Trieste, will see the alternation of approximately 50 speakers and witnesses who will address various topicsfrom active citizenship to digital democracy.

Cultural events and testimonials

The cultural program will further enrich the eventThe evenings in Trieste will be enlivened by concerts by theOrchestra of European Youth and by the students of the Trieste Conservatory with Zoè. Among the artists present there will be Roberto Vecchioni, Riccardo Cocciante, Tiromancino and Simone Cristicchi. The theatre will also have its space with works by Paul Logli e John Scifoni.

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Among the witnesses, Paul Batthi, Brother Of Shahbaz Bhatti, Christian Politician Assassinated in Pakistan. The aim of the Social Week is to go beyond a simple conference. The indications of Mattarella and Pope Francis will be fundamental, but it will be the task of the delegates to activate concrete processes of common good. Trieste, with its history of suffering and hope, will become a laboratory of ideas and projects for a more just and democratic future.

Need to know: What is the Catholic Social Week in Italy?

The Social Week It is a periodical event where Catholics active in all areas of society in Italy meetto compare their experiences, share their perspectives and coordinate their activities, launching common actions and proposals for change for the future of the country.

The Social Weeks have been held for more than 110 years and the 2024 edition will be the 50thso a very special moment that will take place in Trieste, from 3 to 7 July.

What will be special about the 50th Social Week?

The theme of the 50th Social Week is «At the heart of democracy. Participating between history and future»The Scientific and Organizing Committee proposed to stop at reflect on the state of health of our democracy from the point of view of active citizen participation and develop concrete visions and proposals. It will be special because participation is not just a topic to discuss, it is also and above all a way of working together, experimenting with engaging methods that enhance the voice of all participants.

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