Ferrari: “Tchaouna right for Baroni’s Lazio. Bondo? Fiorentina didn’t ask for him”

Ferrari: “Tchaouna right for Baroni’s Lazio. Bondo? Fiorentina didn’t ask for him”
Ferrari: “Tchaouna right for Baroni’s Lazio. Bondo? Fiorentina didn’t ask for him”

The market agent and intermediary Fabrizio Ferrariinterviewed exclusively by TMW on the sidelines of the opening of the summer transfer market in Rimini, he spoke about the operation Loum Tchaouna just closed with Lazio, as well as the future of his client Warren Bondo.

These are his statements, starting from the new adventure in white and blue of the former Salernitana offensive winger: “All the market operations are tiring. There was a good collaboration with Tchaouna’s agent, who is a very strong French agent. We were lucky enough to talk about it with Lazio, who loved the player’s profile, and we worked hard from a contractual point of view because a resolution clause had been intelligently established to exit the agreement with Salernitana in the event of relegation. We are all extremely happy because we think that the boy is making the right leap in quality, in a club that is right for him. I think and hope that Lazio is happy with this purchase”.

He confirms the new clause of 50 million euros in the agreement with Lazio?
“I don’t like to talk about details, but it’s true that there is a clause decided by mutual agreement with Lazio. It’s certainly not the time to exercise it, we’ll see in the next few years (laughs, ed.)”.

What do you expect from Tchaouna at Lazio??
“I expect a lot, because he comes from a great championship with Salernitana. Despite the difficulties of the Granata, Tchaouna has always maintained his fighting and proactive spirit. Lazio is the right environment for him, because mister Baroni wants to play vertically and in a very offensive way”.

Warren Bondo to join Fiorentina?
“Bondo is one of the fruits of Monza’s work and mister Palladino really liked him. Today, however, there is absolutely nothing, Fiorentina has never expressed the desire to buy him. There must be a significant offer to leave a club like Monza, which has chosen to focus on Warren”.

What do you think of mister Palladino in Florence??
“Palladino has shown great tactical acumen, he has some very specific characteristics. If Fiorentina has placed a strong bet on him, it means they have seen what I have seen. I have great faith in this young coach.”

An inevitable comment on Spalletti’s national team: how to overcome this disappointment?
“Today we have a generation gap, with many good players who are evidently struggling a bit at an international level. This doesn’t mean we have to throw everything away, but we have to look for compactness and security with players who can give personality to this team. I have great faith in Spalletti, he has suffered a beating, but let’s give him the opportunity to create a new national team. We are Italy”.

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