“It’s right that she pays but the hatred and the nastiness against her hurts”

Belén Rodriguez returns to defend Chiara Ferragni. The Argentine showgirl finds excessive the pillory that the entrepreneur has experienced following the Pandoro case and the accusation of aggravated fraud.

Belén Rodriguez she was a guest of the BCT, the Benevento National Film and Television Festival. During the event she had the opportunity to tell her story. So, she’s back to talking about Chiara Ferragni, which he had already defended in the past. The showgirl is convinced that on the one hand the entrepreneur must pay for her mistakesbut he thinks the media pillory is unjust that the thirty-seven year old is going through.

Belén Rodriguez and the comment on Chiara Ferragni

Chiara Ferragni at Che tempo che fa

In recent months, Belén Rodriguez had made it clear that she did not have a good relationship with Chiara Ferragni. However, she found the persecution that the entrepreneur was suffering on social media unbearable after the Pandoro Balocco case and the investigation for aggravated fraud that saw her as the protagonist, despite herself. In these hours, the Argentine showgirl who is preparing to attend her sister Cecilia’s wedding, has returned to the subject of social hatred. She declared that she does not read the negative comments addressed to her: “I’m sorry to note that 80% of these come from women. It’s something I don’t understand and will never understand but, somehow, I’ve made peace with it“. Thus, she returned to the case of Chiara Ferragni:

I think, for example, of what happened to Chiara Ferragni: regardless of the fact itself and considering that if you make a mistake it is right to pay in the competent offices, seeing all the hatred and malice that has come her way hurts. We need more solidarity, we need more understanding, and less judgement. In general, I try to empathize with people who criticize, because it’s clear that they’ve been through something bad to behave that way.

Belen invites us to look beyond the perfect life exhibited on social media

Belen Rodriguez on Instagram

Belen Rodriguez invited us not to believe in the perfect and happy lives that are often displayed on social media, most of the time they do not correspond to reality. She herself, she explained, does not reveal her true state of mind online:

Belén Rodriguez: “I said no to Belve, the presenter should be more understanding”

Don’t think that the characters’ lives are perfect. I realize that from the outside it seems like I have a perfect life, but that’s not the case. I get sad like everyone else gets sad, and the fact that everyone appears happy and satisfied on social media is a lie. It’s important that people understand this.

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