Arbus | Music: a great passion discovered by chance | Medio Campidano

Arbus Four awards for the young saxophonist Vittoria Floris

Vittoria Floris12, of Arbus, won four saxophone awards this year, placing first in each competition in his category.
The budding saxophonist attended the school year just ended,Pietro Leo Comprehensive Institute in Arbus, in the first B and only started playing the instrument in October 2023, which she came to by pure chance: she had chosen the piano as a priority, but there was no availability in the school.

“With great surprise – said the aunt, Laura Floris – Vittoria immediately fell in love with this instrument and discovered a passion she had previously unknown. In addition to music, she is passionate about basketball but she is also a special child, always attentive and caring towards the most fragile people».

The competitions began in May and Vittoria won an ambitious poker. The first prize (in the category: first, second and third middle school) to Sassariat the Azuni classical music high school, dedicated to Giuseppe Freschi exclusively for saxophonists;first prize to Iglesias: nell’Pietro Allori Comprehensive Institute at the National Music Festival dedicated to Giampiero Cartocci; the first prize at National competition of vocal and instrumental music at the municipal theater in Siurgus Donigala and the first prize in the music competition On the Line ad Arbus.

Then there are dreams that look beyond this passion: Vittoria wants to be a teacher because she loves children very much, she will continue to study saxophone and will enroll in the Ennio Porrino Music Band ad Arbus.

With her words Vittoria Floris wanted to express her gratitude to those who helped and followed her: «I want to thank many people including my mother Valentina, because she helped me a lot, often telling me when the notes were wrong and spending several afternoons following me; my father Alessio and my brother Antonio who knew those songs by heart; my whole family and, lastly and above all, my teacher Maria Cossu, who supported and helped me in these nine months».

Valentina Vinci (This email address is protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) © Reproduction reserved

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