Vasco inflames the San Nicola, the Komandante excited. Bubbles explodes the stadium, Rewind show within the show

Vasco inflames the San Nicola, the Komandante excited. Bubbles explodes the stadium, Rewind show within the show
Vasco inflames the San Nicola, the Komandante excited. Bubbles explodes the stadium, Rewind show within the show

Live to love. Without regret. In the first of the magnificent four concerts of Bari to the Saint Nicholas, as he himself defined them, the Blasco audience sang, got excited, shouted with joy and love. And, in one of the most engaging moments of the evening, he dragged it anyway Vascoforced, so to speak, to resume the refrain of “If I could tell you”. “Without regret”, the unstoppable chorus of the fans, sung at the top of their lungs at the end of the song, like a mantra, a promise to oneself, which ultimately is what everyone hopes for in life, to live it without having to regret anything; the Kom nods to his band: “let’s take it back”.

He accompanies the audience and gets emotional, he understands the meaning and the magic of the moment with his empathy. Very long shivers, endless moments of beauty. “If I could tell you”, and this young seventy-two year old certainly has plenty of things to say. He breaks the minute and arrives on stage on time at 9pm, he who has lost and regained pieces of his life, without ever missing the train of success and the appointment with history. The lineup is already known, it starts with La Combriccola del Blasco and a fiery intro: a dragon, the lights, the flames, the announcement, and the counting, of the four concerts at San Nicola, the greeting to the fans and the show can start. A start, to set the record straight, which does not tell anyone: Blasco Rossi, Asilo Repubblic and The Shots Above. The audience is orderly, present, at times almost hypnotized. Transversal. Children, parents, very young fans, entire families with grandparents in tow, very young people and young adults. Three generations compared, under that sky overcoming divisions and differences in the name of that religion called rock’n roll. Timeless Vasco: so changed over time, more mature, wiser, but always the same as he was in his early days. «Welcome to the 80s»: he wears his sunglasses and Bubbles the stadium lights up. The choir explodes. Moments of great emotion and participation follow: Jenny is crazycombined with Sallymoves everyone: the Komandante is visibly moved, his eyes shining.


The band, stainless, faithful, punctual accompanies him with solos that make the stands vibrate. Best wishes to Stef Burns for his birthday, esteem for Alberto Rocchetti, words of praise for everyone. kisses and hugs, in his style. He sings and dances a lot. He hugs us and we point our eyes to the sky, each one looking for “The Angels”, everyone looking for a meaning. “It doesn’t take much“, in conclusion. To feel happy. “It doesn’t take much to be intolerant, it doesn’t take much to be just a little ignorant”: and here he launches the barb and quotes Salvini twice. Because Vasco is also in his season of maturity. He, who doesn’t hide which side he’s on. With the weak, with the marginalized, with women. His wonderful ones: “beautiful, free and wild”. Rewind it’s a show within a show.

The celebration of the female world, without judgments and prejudices: images of dozens of girls in bras or bare breasts scroll across the screen. Vasco sings, pleased. Of that symbolic and powerful gesture. Of that feeling of complete freedom, of a happiness, a little naïve perhaps, so irrepressible that it is expressed with the gestures of the body. In “Sono solo noi” the audience becomes one big beating heart, follows the presentation of the band, the declaration of love to the fans, then we celebrate with “Reckless life” And “Clear dawn”. Not before singing “Song” with the wonderful Roberta Montanari. It ends with fireworks exploding from the top of the stage: a show that has the flavor of a colossal and which – he himself says – “will never end because every end is always a new beginning”.

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