Mediaset, the most loved couple broke out: “Lies and escapades” | Unfortunately it’s about them

Couple broke out at Mediaset – Source: Depositphotos –

Unfortunately, one of Mediaset’s most loved couples in recent times broke up a few hours ago. The reason is incredible, after his words, tempers on social media heated up.

When fans follow from the beginning the love stories that are formed among the various VIPs, it is normal that they want to know more and more. Then there are loves that are particularly striking, especially if fans have followed their evolution from the beginning.

However, the couple does not always get the classic happy ending, as during the journey the feeling can always change on both sides or on just one. As much as all this may cause pain, fans must come to terms with it, especially in the presence of official statements.

This is what happened to one of the most followed and talked about couples of the moment Mediaset, whose love came to an end in a completely unexpected way. Talk about escapades and fans were left speechless.

The most loved Mediaset couple has broken out

The couple unfortunately broke up, at least for the moment, had been created within the walls of the Big Brotherfor this reason the fans were impressed by their decision, as they had followed everything about them, from the first looks to the first kiss, up to their exit from the reality show.

In recent weeks then, they had appeared super in love for this reason their decision came like a bolt from the blue. Him too gossip experts they wanted to have their say, starting with Amedeo Venza who revealed: “I’m very sorry, they will still be two very beautiful people! And I wish them much happiness! I repeat, the end of the story was mainly wanted by you…”, followed by the comment of Deianira Marzano: “I don’t condemn anyone because when you’re in love with a person you can’t get it out of your head like that. In the end they are young, I wish everyone the best…”, hypothesizing a flashback with her ex. Theory later denied by Alessandro Rosica: “The possible betrayal and various jealousies have nothing to do with Eugenio. If I have certain proof I will post it without problems.”

Love has come to an end for Greta and Sergio – Source: Instagram –

Love at the end of the line for the two former gieffinis

Well yes, as you may have guessed, the love born in Big BrotherBetween Greta Rossetti and Sergio D’Ottavi has come to an end, revealed by the same gieffino who spoke of a betrayal discovery. Obviously this was Sergio’s statement, we will also have to wait for Greta’s to get the complete picture from both bells.

In any case, D’Ottavi revealed: “You cannot build the foundations of a relationship on lies, escapades, superficiality and lack of respect”, reiterating that he should not “be reproached for anything”, only to then specify that there was no physical betrayal. What do you think of the end of this story that began on reality TV Mediaset?

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