Branko’s June 12, 2024 horoscope

ARIES Imperious emotional aspirations, increasing passion; new passionate bonds, especially for young women of the sign, can also arise in the work environment. Wednesday is Mercury’s day and you all now have this planet in the best position for professional and financial matters, for legal facilitations and good relations with those who occupy a driving position in your environment.


TAURUS What is the most difficult aspect of the week, Saturn square to the Sun, does not negatively affect your sign, which actually manages to gain and prosper! The growing Moon in Virgo, which will become the first quarter on the 14th, sends wonderful influences to the sector of love, friendships, family and children. An auspicious phase for people who are still looking for love. Successful in the economic field.


GEMINI Moon enters Virgo and it becomes difficult. First of all, clarify your internal problems to avoid them getting in the way of the new successes expected by many stars, even in the summer. The Sun-Saturn contrast is always strong, one of the most delicate aspects for relationships with institutions, but at the same time it gives a great boost that leads to success. Family agitated by accounts that don’t add up.


CANCER Family tires you more than work, you can never understand what exactly is wanted from you. You must remember that the stars have assigned you since birth the task of being the lighthouse of the family, read: you have to solve the problems yourself. However, the Moon is very beautiful today, it doesn’t matter if not all of you have been able to realize your aspirations, summer is now upon us, someone will knock. Happy news in the lives of children.


LEO You wanted to become I don’t know what, you certainly succeeded, but if your success isn’t complete yet, you have a full three years to get to the top. Love, of course. However, don’t be too cerebral, abandon yourself to passion and Venus will announce the happy event to the world with trumpet blasts. Journeys that will take you directly to a room.


VIRGO Venus is not really on your side, but it helps to erase the harsh words that were said in the marriage. Some loves are reminiscent of reeds in the wind, they move too much, but they resist… You are experiencing a period that is not in your tastes, but this Moon which arrives in the sign and will become the first quarter on Friday, is a sign of luck. There is no shortage of nice surprises for finances.


LIBRA You are among the winning signs of this spring finale, you will conclude with moral satisfaction and economic results, also the result of past investments. Mercury is splendid close to Jupiter and Venus, passion and love reach you spontaneously, you are courted. Some women of the sign dream of another’s man, but these are topics that we cannot touch on for privacy reasons.


SCORPIO Do you believe in imagination? What you cannot see is more important than what you do see. In short, your famous intuition returns and guides you confidently towards a professional-economic goal that not everyone can achieve. But don’t get too tired, Mars is now a hostile presence. Love like the old days: pure sexuality.


SAGITTARIUS You must keep in mind, when you feel like you have made it “everything”, that you are still subjected to opposition from Gemini and today even the Moon becomes exhausting in the sign of Virgo. Over there, in Salento, there is no peace among the olive trees… but the first task is precisely this: make peace with yourselves. Medical check-up for women of the sign, especially if at an age sensitive to changes in the body. Evening stress is announced by Neptune.


CAPRICORN A new commitment in the professional sector, difficult but promising great satisfaction. Moon becomes even more beautiful in the second part of the day, when she enters Virgo to begin the first quarter phase. It is love, only love, your sweet condemnation of this last part of spring, and rightly so – you must make up for past pressures. The sky is more in favor of Capricorn women, stimulated by Mars, but they must not waste time.


AQUARIUS The stars call to action those who think of changing, seriously changing, something in their lives. In the profession you need to have a vision of the future. News and changes also in family life, love. First quarter Moon will be born in Virgo, symbolizing the possibility of rebirth. Today we recommend financial speculation.


PISCES Relationships with women are difficult or unstable. The Pisces man has to suffer the reproaches of an authoritarian, difficult wife, but there is also a perfect passionate feeling.

A severe exam awaits you in the next few days also at work, the Moon changes phase in Virgo, it also places emphasis on legal issues. Before signing, consider all the pros and cons. Stop the love she screams with a kiss.

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