Edwige Fenech, in a coma due to the ‘fault’ of the doctors: wrong diagnosis and treatment in very serious conditions

In a coma because of the doctors – Fortementein.com

Edwige Fenech, the diagnosis is wrong and the doctors get the treatment wrong, the coma and the fear for her life, very serious conditions and fear.

One of the most sensual and attractive actresses of the last century who has inflamed the souls of many men is Edwige Fenechthe woman of Italian sexy comedies. Thanks to her beauty and her sculptural physique, Fenech was noticed by several entertainment personalities and in this way her journey on the big screen began.

Saturday 1st June to very true the most emotional interviews of the season are re-proposed and among these there is also the one done with Edwige Fenech. However, this interview was more of a confession about one unpleasant episode happened to them years ago. when he had 20 years, the actress suffered asexual assault but luckily she managed to escape in time.

Edwige Fenech said she did not report the incident at the time because she was still nobody while the man in question was well-known and important and no one would have believed her. A chilling confession but the misadventures for the French naturalized Italian actress are not over.

In fact, Fenech even had some medical problem ending up in a coma for gods mistakes made by some doctors. All the people dear to her and all her fans are in strong alarm because the serious conditions indicate a rather unpleasant situation. The terror for the life of the actress is palpable and all because of the doctors.

In a coma by mistake

The moment Edwige Fenech felt ill she asked the doctors for help, as we all would have done if we had found ourselves in the same situation as her. However, the actress had no idea that the same doctors she asked for help would have her made his situation worse making them one diagnosis and prescribing some care at all wrong.

Due to these unexpected errors made by the doctors, Edwige Fenech found herself in coma and with his health much worse than before. Many they fear for his life because they cannot understand how something as unprofessional as making a mistake in the diagnosis and, consequently, in the treatment could have happened.

Mistakes cause big trouble – Fortementein.com

The wrong diagnosis

This terrible episode in the life of Edwige Fenech happened when the actress was alone seven years and lived in Algeria. Feeling ill, her family took her to doctors who diagnosed her with typhus and treated for this disease. However, the little girl later ended up in a coma due to incorrect treatments because the diagnosis era wrong.

Fenech did not have typhus butviral hepatitis and she ended up in a coma at just seven years old due to the fault of the doctors and their wrong diagnosis (with consequent wrong treatments). Luckily everything ended well but the negligence one of those doctors sent a little girl into a coma who could have suffered serious consequences. Now Edwige Fenech is a beautiful seventy-five year old full of energy and life force and continues to make films.

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