Massimiliano Ossini, sensational gaffe at UnoMattina

Like every day, even today Thursday 16 Maythe usual episode of One morning conducted by Massimiliano Ossini And Daniela Ferolla. However, the live broadcast began in an unusual way with one gaffe of the host probably due to a technical error: the first minutes of the broadcast showed Massimiliano Ossini, unaware that he was already on the air, while rehearsing the opening speech dedicated to the flood in Emilia Romagna which occurred a year ago. A gaffe that certainly did not go unnoticed: here is what happened in detail.

One morning starts with a gaffe: what happened

Well yes, today’s episode of One morning began in a peculiar way, showing some minutes of broadcast that in reality should not have been broadcast. Due to a technical error, after the opening jingle of the weather forecast, instead of broadcasting the weather forecast, the live broadcast immediately switched to One morning showing an unconscious Massimiliano Ossini intent on rehearse the opening speech which he would have to do shortly thereafter.

Today is a very sad anniversary: ​​on May 16th one year ago, Emilia Romagna was hit by a devastating flood, a tragedy that caused seventeen victims, tens of thousands of displaced people, damage amounting to over eight billion euros – said the conductor trying his speechLooking back at these images hurts: today not everything has been sorted out, there are still many people who are away from home and many are still waiting for the promised refreshments, but in Emilia and, in particular, in Romagna people have started to live again: there is It was a catastrophe, it’s true, but that land, made up of tough, proud people, used to facing adversity, is getting back up and we are all with them“.

One morningOssini didn’t know he was live

A beautiful speech, however, ruined by its incorrect broadcast, made even more obvious in the following moments. After rehearsing the speech, during which he clearly showed himself too a team coach pass behind him with folder in hand, Ossini left the frame heading towards an author who then stated: “So I hide it, because obviously, I step onto the flood“.

This was then followed a general silence lasted several seconds, after which Ossini has officially returned to the center of the study starting again the important discussion on the flood which, in reality, viewers had already heard.

In short, a technical error that can happen and that viewers obviously noticed immediately, even going wild with it ironic comments on the web. “Is everything okay at UnoMattina?“, for example, reads a comment accompanying the video of the gaffe.

And if some simply smiled at the small mistake, others, as the good Emilio Fede would have said, will certainly have said: “What a figure…“.

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