Meloni, the provision for visits on Saturday and Sunday is arriving. Waiting lists: sanctions for managers who do not reduce them

Meloni, the provision for visits on Saturday and Sunday is arriving. Waiting lists: sanctions for managers who do not reduce them
Meloni, the provision for visits on Saturday and Sunday is arriving. Waiting lists: sanctions for managers who do not reduce them

Schillaci: More dignity for medical specialists, checks for contract revision

“In the next days we will make another measure to build a national monitoring mechanism waiting lists, which does not exist. It means having the possibility to intervene in a timely manner. And there will be solutions for carrying out visits and health services, which will also be carried out on Saturdays and Sundays, abolishing the spending cap for the hiring of doctors, involving specialists more, sanctioning health managers who do not comply the objectives of reducing waiting lists, rewarding them if they do so“. Giorgia Meloni, prime minister and leader of FdI, said this from the stage at the closing of her party’s European election campaign.

The hypothesis of transforming the decree into a bill has become increasingly concrete in the last few hours because the most important issue would not have been resolved: that of coverage, which seems to be stuck at around 200-300 million, when many more would be needed. It was Meloni herself who put her face to it: “We will put the money into it because the topic is important.” But already from the drafts circulated in recent days the problem: in the text of the decree the article with the covers was also evidently missing also that various measures should have been financed by drawing on the Health Fund (i.e. the resources allocated for Healthcare and already more than counted). The stoppage of the President of the Republic also weighs on this choice Sergio Mattarella faced with the rain of legislative decrees presented or in the pipeline. Although in the case of the waiting lists the reason for the urgency would also have been justified.



The transformation into a DDL will mean first of all longer times in Parliament and the real risk that many measures will fail they water down. Among the most important interventions under study are exceeding the spending cap on staff hiring and the possibility of making greater use of accredited private healthcare to guarantee at least 90% of the healthcare services prescribed to citizens within the expected timescales. But also the increase in the spending ceiling for purchase treatment from private individuals: over 1.3 billion in three years (246 million more this year492 million in 2025 and over 600 million fully operational from 2026. Among the measures for which coverage must be found there is also that of a substantial tax discount on overtime for the waiting lists of doctors and nurses.

“There are normal discussions in place” with the Mef before promulgating a provision. «It is clear that where there are economic impacts these impacts must be validated, but I repeat they are in technical, not political discussions which will then see validation»: thus the Undersecretary for Health, Marcello Gemmato. «If there are any discussions it is not confirmed», that the measure will arrive on the government table next week, he then added without dwelling on the estimated costs: «Let’s not give the numbers, there is a theme which is that of reducing the lists waiting and there are solutions that are being put in place. The instruments can be those of the decree which, as you know, have immediate and binding force therefore within 60 days then converted into law, or the quick bill” prepared by the Government “which therefore also has the participation of Parliament and perhaps compensation for any economic but also political critical issues”.

A separate chapter goes open for postgraduates. In recent days, Minister Schillaci explained how the category will be re-evaluated and used, after the presentation of the Anaao survey: “We are carrying out in-depth studies and checks to evaluate the possibility of modifying the current nature of the specialist medical training contract into a work training contract also to make all those specializations that today have more attractive unfortunately high percentages of contracts not awarded or waivers. A review to overcome the critical issues detected, improve wages and which takes into account the increased cost of living but above all the contribution that our young people give and want to give to the NHS. It’s about recognizing greater dignity.”

“We have chosen to invest in specialists and send the token operators home. With the ‘Bills’ decree and the Pnrr decree we have begun to remove a series of obstacles which have certainly not favored the hiring of professionals in training in our healthcare facilities We have chosen to remove time and expense limits and have encouraged the opportunities for the inclusion of these young people who have skills and training that we must enhance and not depress specialization in the structure in which they have worked with a fixed-term contract for the entire duration of the specialization, with one hiring then for an indefinite period upon obtaining the qualification of specialists”, continued the Minister.

“Just as we abolished the limit equal to 50% of the expenditure incurred in 2009, to hire doctors and health and social-health professionals with fixed-term contracts – added Schillaci – The Health Service needs this extraordinary human capital that doctors represent in training and not of limits, constraints and obstacles. And in this regard, allow me to comment on the survey you are presenting today for me a reason for optimism and greater confidence in the future, learning that 65% of those interviewed intend participate in a public competition procedure during the specialization course. This membership represents further confirmation that the path taken is the right one and that the measures adopted will soon begin to give concrete results, while waiting for the removal of the cap on personnel spending which has weighed heavily on our public health for almost twenty years”.

Obviously young people who wish to participate in competitions must be given concrete opportunities by initiating procedures competitive procedures in a short time to give a breath of fresh air to our hospitals in the coming months which often struggle to guarantee the provision of care due to lack of staff – the Minister of Health specified – It would be unrealistic to think of being able to resolve in a year and a half all the critical issues that we have inherited, starting from the disaffection of healthcare personnel towards public health. And I am thinking in particular of the lack of attractiveness of those disciplines which are increasingly deserted due to the excessive workload caused by the shortage of personnel which does not allow sustainable working hours”. “We want to make public health more attractive and we want to continue to enhance its role crucial role that doctors in specialist training have proven to play within the National Health Service”, concluded Schillaci.

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