A spectacular church in China surrounded by nature and overlooking the city — idealista/news

A spectacular church in China surrounded by nature and overlooking the city — idealista/news
A spectacular church in China surrounded by nature and overlooking the city — idealista/news

L’ecclesiastical architecture it was, until the last century, the main space for architectural innovation and the context in which all the great masters of architecture wanted to leave their mark. Although today the construction of large iconic churches has faded into the background, thecontemporary architecture continues to find a space for innovation and creativity in churches, transforming them into symbols not only of faith, but also of community and art. A fascinating example of this trend is the Julong Mountain Church, designed by Inuce. Located near Quanzhouin China, this church not only serves as a place of worship, but also represents a architectural and social reference point.

A privileged position

There Julong Mountain Church, designed by the Inuce architecture studio, is located on a sloping plot at the foot of a mountain, surrounded by woods and with a panoramic view of the city. This privileged position not only highlights its presence, but also inspires its unique design. “Biblical archetypes were fundamental in our design process,” explain Inuce. The church evokes the image of abiblical ark sitting on a rock, symbolizing refuge and new beginnings.

Built with a series of four terraces covered in granite slabs that resemble a rock spur, the church integrates perfectly with the natural landscape. The main hall, which can accommodate 1,000 worshipers, sits high on the ground and is designed to simulate an abstract ark. There oval shape of the building is coated in reinforced concrete panels with fibreglass, which also surround the circular entrance hall. At the front the building rises to give access to the atrium and ends with a viewing platform for the public.

“Although the ark motif inspired our design journey, we didn’t stop at the symbolism. We were looking for an experience that would touch both the body and the soul,” they say from the studio. Therefore, the design of the church includes a contemplative atrium that visitors pass through before entering the main sanctuary, evoking the stern of the ark rising and it reveals a vast space flooded by nature, a reference to Christ’s Sermon on the Mount.

Strong social and community roots

There Julong Mountain Church it is notable not only for its architectural designbut also for his social and community function. This is the first permanent church built in Julong for a congregation that previously met in a rented shop. With the aim of creating an emblematic and accessible space, a small library, study rooms and conference facilities were incorporated into the ground floor of the church. “Given its location at the foot of a mountain, the project had all the makings of becoming a religious landmark,” explains the studio. “But being the first church in a newly urbanized city, it had to be more than just a place of worship.”

Inuce wanted the design to be inclusive, conveying a message of belonging to the entire community. “Looking to the future, we envision the church becoming a cornerstone of Julong, promoting social cohesion as a space where people of all faiths can meet, learn and grow together.” This inclusive and multifunctional approach it breaks the traditional patterns of churches in China, which are often inspired by historical forms and isolated by protective walls.

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