Who is this baby? Today he has become a very famous singer with millions of followers

Who is this baby? Today he has become a very famous singer with millions of followers
Who is this baby? Today he has become a very famous singer with millions of followers

The shots published by a mega celebrity on social media are driving fans crazy. Can you guess who this child is? Today he is more famous than anyone.

Fedez child (Blueshouse.it) Instagram photo @fedez

The celebrity guessing game observing some of his photo from when he was little always manages to entertain. And in some cases also to create debate on how huge the change has been. When you grow up, many traits of your person tend to change quite a bit.

However, a certain underlying resemblance remains with what we once were. And this will become evident once you discover who the famous celebrity of gigantic proportions portrayed in these shots is. This is someone who has always been much talked about and who manages to fill the newspapers with gossip with what he does.

Lots of people love him, some hate him, but this only happens to truly such celebrities. However, every self-respecting VIP must have his share of detractors and so-called haters. It’s part of the game, and this very important person also knows this very well.

But he has become accustomed to living with controversy. Then all it takes is a dip in the pool, a vacation in a luxury resort on the other side of the world or a ride on one of his many racing cars to swallow it and digest the fact that he can’t please everyone. You guessed it who is the child portrayed in the photos? Of course it’s him.

The child in the photo today is a famous singer and more

Fedez (Blueshouse.it) Photo Instagram @fedez

Well yes, it’s him, Federico Lucia from Milan, aka Fedez. Chiara Ferragni’s ex-husband looked completely different when he was a teenager. He didn’t have all those tattoos that helped make him instantly recognizable.

And he had a cheerful look like today, and a more good-naturedly easy-going look. Growing up can change completely, and here today Fedez appears not only heavily tattooed in practically every part of his body. But also very well trained, thanks to a lot of targeted physical exercise.

Over the past few months, his separation from Chiara Ferragni has been much discussed, for an event that, according to some who seem to know him better than all of us, would have anything but demoralized him. In fact, there is talk of a Fedez very relieved by the matter, who is very happy to be the father of the two children born from that relationship but who apparently could not stand married life anymore.

Now the rapper is reportedly in an ongoing relationship with the beautiful French model Garance Authiée, 20 years oldi, fourteen younger than Fedez. The two stayed in a farm in Puglia for a few days, for what in all respects seemed to be a romantic escape.

And it was he himself who posted several photographs that portray him as he was approximately twenty years ago. Before becoming Fedez and to know the fame and all the good and bad aspects that it entails. A month ago there was talk about him regarding the attack on personal trainer Cristiano Iovino.

And we also talk about a lost case in court against a former Big Brother contestant who has always opposed him and Ferragni. With whom relations would be decidedly glacialto the minimum terms.

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