“I’m fragile, I cry tears of blood when I think I might leave”

“I’m fragile, I cry tears of blood when I think I might leave”
“I’m fragile, I cry tears of blood when I think I might leave”

Guest of Estate in Diretta, Eleonora Giorgi talks about her state of mind and confesses that she could lose her hair because she has to change the type of chemotherapy. The actress feels fragile and does not want to leave her children and grandson.

This is not an easy time for Eleonora Giorgiwho is continuing her battle against pancreatic cancer that was diagnosed last November. However, if in the first months of treatment she felt combative and full of hope, now she is worried and can’t always believe that things will go well. The actress spoke about this very thing in Nunzia De Girolamo who wanted it at Summer Livealso explaining that she is very ill, news that has worried her fans quite a bit.

Eleonora Giorgi feels fragile

Guest of Summer liveso, Eleonora Giorgi spoke about the real possibility of losing hair, a side effect of chemotherapy that is always very difficult to accept:

Now that I am very sick I need kindness. If someone has to go out they have to do it with kindness. I have a new hair look. Do you see my hair less thick? After six months of chemo, it didn’t fall out, now I changed chemo and now it seems like it might fall out. So I went blonde and said ‘if my hair has to fall out, let it fall out blonde’. I went and said: ‘make me blonde’. Now they have to fall out and I’m preparing some headbands with bangs.

The Giorgi she returned to the topic of fans, saying she was showered with love. Not only did she receive many messages of support and solidarity, but also the doctors who looked after her proved and continue to prove very kind. For the actress, talking about herself helps, and what shocks her is the number of young people who have the same cancer as her.

Eleonora she certainly faced the pancreatic cancer with great determination, but it is treacherous, and since there is a risk that it will affect other organs, the doctors decided to change the type of chemotherapy, opting for a very robust one. At the end of her story, the Giorgi he spoke honestly about his state of mind:

Laughing is important. How am I eight months after diagnosis? I’m a bit fragile, I confess, I have moments of weakness. I cry tears of blood when I think I might leave and I think of my children and grandson. We all have an expiration date.

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