Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, the Brangelina war continues

Five out of six children have disowned him. The first was Maddox who told the judges: «he beat me». The last Shiloh, on his eighteenth birthday. A monster he or they are manipulated?

If it were a screenplay, that of Brangelina, the most beautiful and envied couple in Hollywood, would resemble the first half of Mr & Mrs Smith, the adventurous sentimental comedy that made them meet on the set – and then fall in love – in 2004. In the film they are married and discover that they both have a double life: they are two hitmen tasked with killing each other – photo | video

WHERE HAVE I ALREADY SEEN IT? – Angelina with the machine gun and Brad with the automatic pistols remind us, more than a metaphor, of what is happening to the two actors in real life. After the sudden divorce she requested in 2016, following a violent argument that occurred on the private flight that took them from Provence to Los Angeles, their separation became increasingly painful and full of resentment. After 12 years of a fairytale and cover story love, six children, three adopted and three natural, and the wedding in 2014, the actress announced to the world that the relationship had ended due to “irreconcilable differences”. A ritual formula to which over time she added, “and for the good of the children”.

Angelina Jolie dances at the Maneskin concert with her daughter Shiloh – Look

THE REAL VICTIMS – Yes, the children. The true victims of the tsunami of hatred that ferments and explodes as an epilogue of misunderstandings, betrayals and disappointments. The true capital of affection that each parent would like to save for themselves, an undertaking Brad Pitt failed to achieve given the recent decision of Shiloh Nouvel, the eldest natural daughter. On her 18th birthday, as her first act as an adult, she filed with the Court the request to abandon the surname Pitt to become Shiloh Jolie, a gesture which at the moment erases any hope of her father of being able to bring her closer again.
“He is devastated but accepts it,” his friends said. But that’s not the only pain he had to deal with. The eldest son, Maddox, in court for the custody case, declares: «For years everyone thought that our family was the most beautiful in the world, but the truth is that my father was violent at home, he drank too much, he offended me and he beat me. I don’t want to see or hear it anymore. And I don’t even want his last name anymore.”

“Angelina Jolie incited her children against Brad Pitt”, says a former bodyguard – Look

ONE BY ONE THEY MOVE AWAY – He is the first of the six to repudiate him. In 2020, for Father’s Day, brother Pax comes down hard on Instagram: «You are a first-class asshole, a terrible and despicable person and you have made the lives of the people closest to me a constant hell. Happy Holidays, you horrible fucking human being.” Pitt’s staff and her friends speak of “manipulation” explaining that “Angelina uses her children to hurt her ex-husband.” A security guard who worked for Jolie for a long time, Tony Webb, states in a statement that he heard the actress several times “dissuade her children from spending time with her father”. Someone goes further and talks about “textbook alienation”, understood as PAS, the much discussed Parental Alienation Syndrome, an alleged “brainwashing” that one parent does to the detriment of the other, a syndrome not recognized either by ‘WHO, the World Health Organization, nor the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders. «This does not mean, however, that alienating behavior on the part of one of the two parents does not exist and that these attitudes should not be evaluated at the time of custody», clarifies Alessandro Simeone, a matrimonial lawyer who represents Ilary Blasi in the separation from Totti ( and now also Fedez), our Brangelina, in practice. «It must be said, however, that the violent behavior of a parent, even if it happens just a couple of times, risks irreparably marking the image that a child has of him. If there is a rift between an adult and a minor, the court’s intervention must be immediate and provide a path. Unfortunately, in Italy there are no operators for families and the times are long”, adds Simeone.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, divorce agreement almost reached: he renounces custody of his children – Look

BRAD IS IN SUFFERING BUT WAITS – Meanwhile, last November, Zahara, as if to eliminate any connection with the actor, also enrolled at Spelman College introducing herself as “ZaharaMarley Jolie”. And Vivienne, 15 years old, Knox’s twin, recently featured in the poster of the new musical that she helped mother Jolie produce, The Outsiders, signs herself “Vivienne Jolie”, the fifth of her siblings to express open hostility towards their father. “Since Angelina filed for divorce, Brad has focused on having the best relationship possible with her children,” a source close to the former couple revealed to People, the American magazine that follows the events of Brangelina. “It was very hard for him, because there were often long intervals during which he didn’t see the children at all and he misses them a lot, but he is convinced that the time will come when he will have a great relationship again.” These are words from 2022, in the midst of the battle for child custody: he asks for joint custody, she asks for exclusive custody.
In court it’s war. Jolie says that during that flight Pitt verbally attacked her, grabbed her hair and shook her shoulders. And when the children intervened, she allegedly hit one with a strong slap and nearly suffocated another. The established fact is that Pitt was drunk. And as she admitted in the first (and only) interview on the separation released in May 2017 a GQ, at that time he had problems with alcohol and smoked grass: “I was incapable of managing my emotions.” Jolie, three months later, lets it be known through Vanity Fair America: «We are all healing from the wounds of the events that led to the divorce request», and talks about how «bad» their relationship had become. As if everything had changed since the wedding, in two years. In 2014 she herself explained: «We got married with our children and they were part of the ceremony. We all agreed to commit to this life together. Not because we had to… because we were sure we truly felt like a family.”
An idyllic picture very distant from the accusations that “Lara Croft” directs at her ex.

Brad Pitt turns 60 (and finds love again). Unauthorized portrait of a star who reconquered Hollywood – Look

THE CHILDREN WERE IN CHARGE AT HOME – The Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services investigates and clears Pitt of charges involving his children. A nanny who worked for the Brangelinas remembers: “In their house there were no rules, they were in charge.” To “groom” their troop of children, in the last year of their marriage, the actress hired her brother, James Jolie, as head of nannies. And the investigations reconstruct that the argument on the plane began with Pitt accusing Jolie: “You are too deferential towards children.” When she loses her temper, she screams, “You’re screwing this family up.” And she says to the children: “Mommy is crazy.” The FBI also investigates Pitt’s alleged violence and establishes that further investigations are not necessary but Angelina initiates a lawsuit to contest its conclusions. An initial ruling establishes shared custody, but Jolie appeals, accusing one of the judges of private interest. Complaints and counter-complaints follow, and a war also arises over the sale of the Miraval estate, in Provence, a 35-room castle bought in 2008 for 55 million euros. At the moment, only Knox, Vivienne’s twin, who has never spoken out about his father, remains out of the filial resentment saga. Are five “against” children proof of guilt? The former couple will return to court to establish this.

Cristina Rogledi


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