Matilde Brandi with the twins, Samantha De Grenet with Brando

«Maturità I would have gotten you sooner» sang Antonello Venditti who this year too accompanies the students of the fifth year of high school towards the first written test of the maturity. This year the tracks chosen by the Ministry of Education included Ungaretti, Levi Montalcini, Pirandello, Galasso and Nicoletta Polla-Mattiot. Many despaired, while others breathed a sigh of relief upon reading the names of well-known and studied writers and artists.

Among the students sitting at the desks during the final exams were also many children of celebrities, including the twins Sofia and Aurora, daughters of Matilde Brandi and Brando, son of Samantha DeGrenet. The mothers, always very social, wanted to send a message of good luck to all the students who, like their “little ones”, are facing graduation.

Matilde Brandi’s message

The former castaway from the Island of the Famous returned from Honduras in time to be next to her daughters Sofia and Aurora during one of the most stressful and difficult moments of their lives: the maturity. The twins started their first written Italian test today and, while waiting to find out how it went, mother Matilde shared a message of good luck with her fans.

«Good luck my daughters for your final exams!», she writes Matilde Brandi posting a photo of his daughters during their 18th birthday party. But Auri and Sofi are not the only celebrity daughters to face maturity, with them also Brando.

Samantha De Grenet, proud mother

«Good luck to all the kids who, like my son, will face the first final exam paper this morning“, he wrote Samantha DeGrenetwho has always been very close and present for her family and for her son Brando.

These are moments that the kids will remember forever, even if for now, the only thing they can think of is “I wish I had gotten your high school diploma earlier!”


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