“Ida and Mario? They are not together and there is no intention”

“Ida and Mario? They are not together and there is no intention”
“Ida and Mario? They are not together and there is no intention”

We interviewed Lorenzo Pugnaloni, blogger and author, as well as being the greatest exponent of the previews and news of Men and Women. Here’s what he told the microphones of Comingsoon.it

Lorenzo Pugnaloniborn in 2002, is known on social media as a blogger and leading exponent of previews and news on the program Men and women

Exclusive interview with Lorenzo Pugnaloni

The boy, for three editions in a row, has always updated the most avid fans of the dating show hosted by Maria De Filippibut that’s not all: he is the author and host of entertainment formats such as CasaLollo, broadcast on his social channels, in which he interviews the leading faces coming out of the various Mediaset programmes. Writer, editor and entertainment agent, Lorenzo signs articles for Free and for the weekly My and, recently, he arrived in the radio world with TG Lollo for IoRadio, a summer entertainment format that aims to tell the story of various artists about their ‘hot summer’ with revelations, news, stories and much more.

Today we decided to have a chat with the young communications university student, here’s what Pugnaloni revealed to us exclusively to the microphones of Comingsoon.it

Hi Lorenzo, you are now known everywhere on the web for your previews on Men and Women. How did you distinguish yourself from your competitors?

“Hello! I think that meritocracy is still worth something, if you put passion, dedication, truthfulness and authenticity into it, you inevitably diversify yourself; the public is not stupid and for me, building their loyalty was important and decisive. When they write to me “Lollo , if I don’t read it from you I don’t believe it” it means that you got everything right, I would never, ever betray the trust of the people who follow me with so much affection every day, I’m a gossip, and I have nothing against it, let’s be clear I prefer to give objective and real information, without ‘gossiping’ or insinuating. Well, if I’m not sure about something, I prefer to keep quiet. This edition has given us a lot of twists and turns did he appreciate it more? While he was disappointed by some? Men and Women is the best program in the world, what can I tell you (laughs, ed.). with most of them, I really appreciated the couples formed by Cristian and Valentina, and Brando and Raffaella. I hear them often, it’s nice to discover that, sometimes, the sensations you have at home as a viewer turn out to be exactly the same as when you get to know them. In general, I work with several of them and I love to help those who really deserve to move forward”

Disappointed in someone?

“That’s always the case, but I think it’s part of life in general, so it happened. I can’t stand the presumption that some have had, they felt like “this is damned” imagining they’d get to who knows where, but instead they ended up forgotten. In this world it takes a long time to arrive but a second to sink, especially when you disrespect the wrong people. I don’t like starting social arguments or making a spectacle, rather I close all doors, mine and those around me There are various rumors going around, can you give us an overview of the situation about the two of them? I’ve read a lot around, every now and then I hear from Ida and she’s a really genuine person, needless to say I wish her the best intention, right now, to get closer or try to be together. This was only on his part but it was a way to cleanse himself from everything that happened, a person truly in love would have asked her to live together immediately. outside and would not have omitted a confided truth, then, after a day. It was an acquaintance, for me, nothing more. The public must come to terms with it and above all it must de-escalate the situation. If they really love Ida and hope that a woman, I want to remember, with a child has a bit of serenity after affairs gone wrong, they must be happy that things are like this and not differently.”

Temptation Island is upon us, what do you expect from the new edition?

“I can’t wait to sit on the sofa and watch our Filippo Nazionale host the most awaited show of the summer. The docu-reality always gives us emotions, keeps us entertained, perhaps makes us forget that Men and Women will only arrive in September. We should find some former suitors or suitors in the singles, but surprises are surprises so I keep quiet!”

Daggersyou interview a lot of people coming out of Queen Mary programmes, your format CasaLollo it was a huge success. What do you think causes this, and how do you approach them?

“There have been episodes that have attracted more than 500 thousand viewers, it was a courageous move to change the means of dissemination of the format: we were born on the radio, then we moved to YouTube and now, simply, where everyone is: on Instagram. I have to to say that this success in terms of numbers, no one is hypocritical so I’m not here to say that it doesn’t count, on the contrary… it’s everything, having feedback is fundamental, whether positive or negative, it was positive, we brought ‘simple’ content ‘, we didn’t aim for who knows what; therefore, I tell you that the satisfaction is also double. We still have three episodes, then my team and I will stop but we will absolutely return in September with a second edition”.

Have you ever been disappointed by any of your guests?

“I was disappointed by those who simply don’t respect the work of others, as already mentioned. It happened that someone snubbed the invitation, without even replying out of politeness, then made the commitment and no longer presented at the last minute. There is who comes out with “I don’t feel like releasing anything now”, which is more than respectable and then, maybe, you see them connecting elsewhere. I’m a very pragmatic person, I appreciate a no more than going around it without having the balls to say it no. As I always say, I’m not a panda to be protected so I survive and carry on anyway”

You are also an entertainment agent and talent manager, what is Lorenzo like in this area? What does it aim to do?

“I always like to get involved, even in contexts where I might feel like a fish out of water. I’ve also been doing this for a year and a half, we aim for quality rather than quantity and we follow those who really deserve it and above all those who have the ideas clear. They say it’s a simple job but it’s not like that, it involves being active 24 hours a day, moving often, following, supporting and developing your clients. I started for fun, I brought many ideas and, despite the various commitments including university, I move around as much as possible but I always follow everything even from a distance. I’m always behind every character, the results can be seen. For the next season, call what characters should we expect? Is ‘recycling’ the mantra? of many programs, in the sense that we often see “resurrecting” faces that have been removed from us. It’s nice to always find new, unique people. What excites me most in my work is when you find something in front of you that makes you say something “Wow”, that peculiarity of a person in terms of character, personality or way of behaving. Here, the viewer wants to be amazed, become attached and, obviously, have fun.”

Lorenzo, do you like being a character more or being ‘behind the scenes’?

“I have never labeled myself in private life, let alone in public life. I am someone who does not limit myself and works in multiple fields; obviously, I can tell you that in all the projects in which I am involved the authorial part in me always prevails I like to create, invent, write, I really know how to give. Whether it’s in publishing, TV or cinema it makes no difference to me… creativity and authenticity are part of me.

He recently arrived at IoRadio bringing his own product, conceived and hosted. What were the reasons for this choice?

“The program, a strip of just 10 minutes, was created with the aim of linking the old and new television seasons; partly out of nostalgia in thinking of leaving those who follow me as “widowers” of our daily bread, namely entertainment. Summer may seem like a dead moment but that’s not the case, we will talk about the typical part of Summer Life: the hottest part, the projects, the loves, the crushes of the various faces who will be guests. From Monday to Friday 9.15am on IoRadio !”

He also shares his daily life with his fans, away from work. How do you define this period of your life?

It was a particular period, then I’m negative in everything, pessimistic. I use this philosophy of life so as not to be disappointed later and I say: “let’s let it go badly, then if it’s not so better”. Sentimentally speaking, the red petals have not yet fallen for me (laughs, ed.); when I feel something for someone (and here too I don’t make any difference whether it’s a girl or a boy, because if life gives me 100 I don’t understand why it should only give me 50), I can’t pretend nothing happened, even if I understand that is not mutual and reciprocated. It happened, never mind; we move forward. I know I’m worth a lot and I’m sure it will come when I least expect it. Sitting there every day thinking about it is useless.

Even though you’re making a thousand, what plans are there in the pipeline for September?

“Yes, absolutely. One will concern my online newspaper, LolloMagazine, it will be a revolution because we will combine it with a website, an editorial project that completes it and gives it the dignity it deserves. For my publishing house activity also, every year I like to renew, improve and change something. Then, there are other areas that could await me. Nothing decisive yet, several things have been proposed to me and maybe I’ll think about it when I’m lying at the seaside sunbathing or relaxing in the pool. ‘.”

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