Briatore against Bonelli and Fratoianni after protest at Twiga, the Avs leader: “Coppietta? He discovered us”

Briatore against Bonelli and Fratoianni after protest at Twiga, the Avs leader: “Coppietta? He discovered us”
Briatore against Bonelli and Fratoianni after protest at Twiga, the Avs leader: “Coppietta? He discovered us”

With a video on Instagram, Flavio Briatore attacked Angelo Bonelli and Nicola Fratoianni after the flashmob organized by Avs in front of the Twiga: “Greens, communists, couple with ‘zero titles'”. Bonelli’s reply: “he discovered us. Envious? No, the beaches are a common good of the citizens.”

“Today I wanted to inform you with a gossip. Yes, a new couple has formed, it’s true. And who is the new couple? Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli”, begins the video published by Flavio Briatore on his Instagram profile, in response to the flashmob organized in recent days by the leaders of the Green-Left Alliance in front of Twiga.

“I found out from my boys at Twiga. Greens, communists, these two, this one couple of ‘zero titles’ she went in front of Twiga a few days ago with ten or twelve runaways, two or three television stations called by them. They protest, they’re angry with the Meloni government, they’re angry with me, they’re angry with everyone”, continued the entrepreneur. In front of the exclusive bathing establishment of Forte dei Marmi Bonelli and Fratoianni had announced that they had presented a bill to declare the coasts inviolable assets and common good of the State, and the beaches a common good “The only thing that I find incredible is that these gentlemen here don’t talk about the fact that Twiga has one hundred and fifty people, one hundred and fifty families on its books. pays, and they don’t even have any idea that Twiga pays almost three million euros in taxes during the season. This doesn’t interest them”, added Briatore. “If Twiga failed they would be the happiest on earth because they are so envious, jealous, that their satisfaction is seeing a company like Twiga fail. Wow, that’s cool.”

There Bonelli’s reply she didn’t wait long. “And nothing! Briatore discovered us. We are a couple and we admit it, actually a beautiful couple. But, sorry to disappoint Briatore, it is not envy or hatred for his Twiga that moves us. And not even the millions are envious of Italians who can no longer go to the seaside because they can’t afford it and because the beaches are privatised. At most they are pissed off”, replied the leader of the Greens. “And rightly so because a family must spend a minimum of 30-40 euros a day to go to the seaside. And he pays 21 thousand euros a year to the State while invoicing almost 8 million. This is why we proudly claim to have presented a bill to the free sea. Because the sea and our coasts are first and foremost a common good that we want to protect. Kind regards to Mr. Briatore”, concluded Bonelli before adding: “PS We are a couple who pay taxes in Italy a little old-fashioned.”

Bonelli: “No more establishments for a few at very high prices”: Avs’ proposal for free beaches

During the flashmob the two leaders had underlined the urgency of appealing to the immediate forfeiture of the concessions for building abuses and to update permit fees, in order to ensure greater accessibility and protection of free beaches. “Today to go to the seaside it takes up to 40 or 50 euros for a family, and when there are no free beaches it becomes a social problem. Even for those who have the sea near their home”, explained Bonelli, proposing following the example of others Countries around the world and provide resources to Municipalities to be allocated to cleaning beaches. “Let’s give the resources to the Municipalities, let’s make seasonal hires, as are the hirings in the factories, let’s provide jobs but make the free beaches of our country accessible and usable”, he added.

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