From social to research: Five per thousand

It is not a figure of speech, but the reality: it is a signature that costs the taxpayer nothing, but which means a lot to the recipients. Concrete resources: thanks to the choices expressed in 2023 at the time of the tax return, the 5 per thousand will bring a treasure of over 5.2 million euros to the companies based in Bergamo. The “generosity map” is condensed in the data just published by the Revenue Agency: there are 1,434 organizations based in the Bergamo area that will receive those contributions, thanks to 147,151 “choices”.

It is a decidedly varied list, which brings together scientific research and social activity, volunteering and sports, but the contributions also go to the Municipalities and the University. Compared to the contributions for 2022, the growth trend appears clear (the “collection” for the Bergamo areas was approximately 3.8 million euros), also thanks to a physiological curve linked to the increase in taxpayers and average income. The 5 per thousand, in fact, is that portion of the Irpef of each taxpayer (i.e. the tax on personal income) that the State distributes among these entities on the basis of the revenues linked to tax returns.

Of course, even taxpayers residing outside Bergamo and its province can donate their 5 per thousand to organizations based in Bergamo (and vice versa), just indicate the tax code of the beneficiary.

«Bergamo generous land»

«Bergamo is certainly a generous land, not only from a financial point of view or strictly economic donations, but also from a human perspective – underlines Oscar Bianchi, president of the Csv Bergamo, the Service Center for Volunteering -: we have demonstrated this first with the Capital of Volunteering and then with the Capital of The 5 per thousand data then demonstrate further attention and a “culture of others”: in reality allocating 5 per thousand to a voluntary association is not exactly that easy, because you have to remember to do it and you have to remember the code tax of that association. It is an act of true will.”

The proceeds that the State then allocates to associations and bodies – the calculation is based both on direct choices and on a proportional distribution to the “generic choices”, i.e. those taxpayers who give consent to allocate 5 per thousand but do not specify the beneficiary – go to concretely support those entities and their social impact projects. «What we want to work on – adds Bianchi – is that faced with such a strong act, where the citizen identifies the desire to allocate this donation, the beneficiary bodies use the contributions necessarily for the statutory purposes of the association. The law also prescribes it, we as CSV are trying to accompany the associations in this direction to make them understand that it is not money like the others, but strongly desired and monitored by our administrators”.

For associations, the possibility of benefiting from the 5 per thousand is now subject to registration in Runts, the Single Register of the Third Sector introduced in recent years. «Compared to the 4,500 voluntary associations, those registered with Runts are almost 2 thousand – summarizes Bianchi -. He means that more than half have decided not to sign up and will not be able to benefit from it. This happens for various reasons, both bureaucratic and choice, but we must not forget that even those who are not registered with Runts are a voluntary association that has the same aims and objectives as those registered with Runts. As CSV we are promoting the Runts because we are convinced that the logic of the Registry goes in the direction of reporting and transparency, but without discriminating against those who decide not to participate in this process”.

The ranking

Cesvi confirms itself as the first reality in Bergamo both for the number of choices (7,500) and for the amount it will receive (more than 316 thousand euros), while completing the podium are the Paolo Belli Association (3,950 choices and 155,153 euros of contributions) and the Acli Bergamo (5,557 choices, 122,653 euros).

In the field of scientific research, From (the Bergamo Hospital Research Foundation) stands out, with 1,630 choices and 76,205 euros in contributions, while among local authorities the Municipality of Bergamo stands out (chosen by 1,156 citizens, the contribution will be almost 47,700 euros); 469 have chosen the University of Bergamo, with approximately 26,200 euros in contributions, while among amateur sports associations the most popular is Asd Oratorio Tagliuno (407 choices, 14,562 euros in contributions).

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NEXT the Revenue Agency circular on the new provisions from 1 July 2024