The DJ at the party at Isola delle Femmine: «It wasn’t a party, it was a video clip»

It wasn’t a party, no. It was a video clip of a party. After the illegal party discovered by the Guardia di Finanza on the Isola delle Femmine in Palermo, Mauriziotto Dj aka Maurizio Giglio defends himself. He does so in an interview with Republic in which he gets angry about his past as a Coast Guard petty officer: “I haven’t been there for four years. I’m a full-time DJ and producer. Maybe I’m too good at music and I’ve become famous, so it bothers some people,” he says. Also because, he claims, “this is a case that doesn’t exist.” In reality, according to the investigators, the administrative findings “are obvious.” But according to Mauriziotto Dj, no: It wasn’t a party, but a video clip. We recorded this simulation of an allegorical party, dedicated to the four elements: air, water, earth and fire. The Triolo brothers wanted this video for their birthday and they hired me. It seemed like a really nice idea so I accepted.”

The nature reserve

The choice of a nature reserve, according to Giglio, «was meant to be a way to promote the islet and the environment, there was even a sign that said so». But it wasn’t his idea: «Absolutely not, I was there as a producer and DJ and I’ve been doing it full time for 4 years. I was just contacted for my services». There’s a whole misunderstanding because it wasn’t the event that was advertised as an exclusive party, but the production: «In fact there was no indication of location or dates». He, he says, asked the organizers: «They told me that everything was authorized by the property. They even sent me the paper. Plus we weren’t there for more than an hour and we didn’t do anything wrong». Even if according to LIPU in the end there was everything on the ground: sequins, cigarette butts, glasses, plastic creepers. «Impossible. Rather, the islet was in a pitiful state, full of uncultivated brush and guano», he replies.


Mauriziotto Dj says that «we positioned ourselves on the flat part, the only one that was a bit clean». About the pile of wood ready for a bonfire «I don’t know anything about it. We were leaving when the patrol boats arrived and there were no bonfires». Then the Gdf arrived: «They stopped everything. We were already leaving, but they had some dinghies arrive to take the people who were on the islet ashore. It was to transport everyone safely». In reality, on land, everyone was identified. «When we arrived, there were a lot of patrols. The two brothers had to go to the office to get the authorization and explain the matter. We were scheduled to have dinner in a place on the seafront, but everything dragged on for so long that it fell through».

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