collapse of 24% in 2023, leaving over two billion on the street

Sardinian exports are in free fall. The last quarter of 2023 recorded a drop of 24%the total value of the island’s products sold abroad is went from 8.98 to 6.8 billion. A drop of over two billion euros.

This is what emerges from a dossier from the Cna Sardinia Study Center. The pharmaceutical chemical sector It fell apart (-33%, from 263 to 177 million), metal products hold steady (+7.6% compared to 2022) and agri-food (+4.7%, 245.8 million compared to 234 in 2022).

In the agri-food sector, dairy products performed very well (+9.8% in 2023, +3.3% in the first quarter of 2024) and oil, which closed 2023 with an excellent +12.2%, exceeding the 6.7 million. The wine industry lost 6.3% but is recovering in the first quarter of 2024 (+6.5%). Pecorino and Sardinian sweets: in 2023 there is a +9% in the value of exports, the result of the increase in prices, because the quantities sold in kilos show a drop of 5.4%.

The Cna dossier also analyzes the prospects for the current year, which appear better given that exports grew by 8.9% in the first quarter. But net of the oil refining sector (which is recovering, +11% compared to 2023, and represents over 80% of the total) the overall figure is negative (-1.3%). In the first quarter of 2024, the agri-food and chemical industry grew (+6.1% and +21.5%), metal manufacturing did poorly (-29.6%).

«It is necessary – they comment Luigi Tomasi and Francesco Porcu, respectively president and regional secretary of the Cna Sardinia – an industrial strategy and coherent medium and long-term public policies for increase the specialization and competitive capacity of our economystrengthening production chains, directing investments towards innovation, human capital, aggregation processes”.


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