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Speed ​​limiter, mandatory on all cars from 1st July

Speed ​​limiter, mandatory on all cars from 1st July
Speed ​​limiter, mandatory on all cars from 1st July

From 1 July 2024 all new cars must have the intelligent speed limiter. Otherwise known as Intelligent Speed ​​Assistance (ISA), the system aims to dramatically reduce the number of road fatalities, which will be 20,400 by 2023. A shocking number that clearly demonstrates the need for action. ISA uses a combination of cameras and GPS data to monitor the speed of the vehicle in real time, and if the limit is exceeded, it warns the driver with an audible and visual warning. Ignored? ISA can intervene more forcefully, reducing engine power or increasing pressure on the brake pedal.

One step towards Vision Zero

The introduction of the speed limiter is part of the “Vision Zero” plan announced by the European Commission, which has set itself the goal of achieving zero victims on the roads by 2050. Although it may seem utopian, according to the community body the ISA has the potential to contribute to a 20% decline of data in the short term. Basically, therefore, we are faced with a precious tool, with important reasons behind it. No “whim”, rather an awareness of the dangers in traffic. Unfortunately, even in the presence of road signs, many drivers have the “habit” of violating them, indifferent to the risks to which they expose themselves and others.

Due to bad attitude, vulnerable users often pay the price, that is to say cyclists and pedestrians. Too many times we read about lives taken prematurely and relying solely on the common sense of motorists means overestimating their ability to judge, which is not always obvious. Because if there are those who observe the authorities’ provisions to the letter, someone loves to travel to the limit, as if they were a Formula 1 driver. And we must not forget the evil of getting behind the wheel after having taken alcohol or drugs. For this reason, the reform of the Highway Code is being discussed in Italy, concerning multiple topics, including speed cameras. At the moment he is stuck in the rooms, but there could also be some news in the coming weeks.

Split of opinions

However, returning to the ISA, not everyone has welcomed its mandatory introduction with enthusiasm. Just take a look at social media to see the divisive reactions. Many consider it an excessive intrusion into their driving freedom and fear losing autonomous decisions behind the wheel. After all, certain road sections do not have maximum speed limits to observe, and the example of the German Autobahn is the most well-known. Furthermore, some fear that the intelligent speed limiter will end up interfering in emergency situations, where it might be necessary to accelerate suddenly to avoid an imminent danger.

The first months of testing will also fulfill an experimental purpose. Given that protecting general safety is the priority, defining the right middle ground between protection and the freedom given to motorists will allow us to dispel the doubts expressed by skeptics. In the meantime, the foundations have been laid for a tomorrow less marked by tragic fatalities. The progress made in technological terms offers an opportunity to be capitalized on immediately.

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